wxAutoExcel 2.0.0
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wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet Class Reference

Represents Microsoft Excel Worksheet. More...

#include <wxAutoExcelWorksheet.h>

Inheritance diagram for wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet:
wxAutoExcel::wxExcelRangeOwner wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject

Public Member Functions

bool Activate ()
 Makes the current sheet the active sheet.
bool Calculate ()
 Calculates a specific worksheet.
wxExcelChartObject ChartObjects (long index)
 Returns an object that represents either a single embedded chart (a ChartObject object) or a collection of all the embedded charts (a ChartObjects object) on the sheet.
bool CheckSpelling (const wxString &customDictionary=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool ignoreUpperCase=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool alwaysSuggest=wxDefaultXlTribool, MsoLanguageID *spellLang=NULL)
 Checks the spelling of a worksheet.
void CircleInvalid ()
 Circles invalid entries on the worksheet.
bool ClearArrows ()
 Clears the tracer arrows from the worksheet.
void ClearCircles ()
 Clears circles from invalid entries on the worksheet.
bool Copy ()
 Method without parameters copies the worksheet into a new workbook.
bool Delete ()
 Deletes the object.
void ExportAsFixedFormat (XlFixedFormatType type, const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, XlFixedFormatQuality *quality=NULL, wxXlTribool includeDocProperties=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool ignorePrintAreas=wxDefaultXlTribool, long *from=NULL, long *to=NULL, wxXlTribool openAfterPublish=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Exports to a file of the specified format.
bool Move ()
 Method without parameters moves the worksheet into a new workbook.
wxExcelOLEObjects OLEObjects ()
 Returns an either a single OLE object or a collection of all OLE objects (an OLEObjects collection) on the chart or sheet.
bool Paste (wxExcelRange *destination=NULL, wxXlTribool link=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Pastes the contents of the Clipboard onto the worksheet.
bool PasteSpecial (const wxString &format=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool link=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool displayAsIcon=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &iconFileName=wxEmptyString, long *iconIndex=NULL, const wxString &iconLabel=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool noHTMLFormatting=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Pastes the contents of the Clipboard onto the worksheet, using a specified format.
bool PrintOut (long *from=NULL, long *to=NULL, long *copies=NULL, wxXlTribool preview=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &activePrinter=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool printToFile=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool collate=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &prToFileName=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool ignorePrintAreas=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Prints the worksheet.
bool PrintPreview (wxXlTribool enableChanges=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Shows a preview of the worksheet as it would look when printed.
void Protect (const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool structure=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool windows=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Protects a worksheet so that it cannot be modified.
void ResetAllPageBreaks ()
 Resets all page breaks on the specified worksheet.
void SaveAs (const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, XlFileFormat *fileFormat=NULL, const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, const wxString &writeResPassword=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool readOnlyRecommended=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool createBackup=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool addToMru=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool local=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Saves changes to the worksheet in a different file.
bool Select (wxXlTribool replace=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Selects the worksheet.
void SetBackgroundPicture (const wxString &fileName)
 Sets the background graphic for a worksheet.
void ShowAllData ()
 Makes all rows of the currently filtered list visible.
void ShowDataForm ()
 Displays the data form associated with the worksheet.
bool Unprotect (const wxString &password=wxEmptyString)
 Removes protection from the worksheet.
wxExcelAutoFilter GetAutoFilter ()
 Returns an AutoFilter object if filtering is on.
bool GetAutoFilterMode ()
 True if the AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the sheet.
void SetAutoFilterMode ()
 Call to remove the filter drop-down arrows.
wxExcelRange GetCircularReference ()
 Returns a Range Represents the range containing the first circular reference on the sheet.
wxExcelComments GetComments ()
 Returns a Comments collection that represents all the comments for the specified worksheet.
wxExcelCommentsThreaded GetCommentsThreaded ()
 Returns a CommentsThreaded collection that represents all the top-level/root comments (no replies) for the specified worksheet.
XlConsolidationFunction GetConsolidationFunction ()
 Returns the function code used for the current consolidation.
wxArrayShort GetConsolidationOptions ()
 Returns a three-element array of consolidation options.
wxArrayString GetConsolidationSources ()
 Returns an array of string values that name the source sheets for the worksheet's current consolidation.
wxExcelCustomProperties GetCustomProperties ()
 Returns a CustomProperties object representing the identifier information associated with a worksheet.
bool GetDisplayPageBreaks ()
 True if page breaks (both automatic and manual) on the specified worksheet are displayed.
void SetDisplayPageBreaks (bool displayPageBreaks)
 True if page breaks (both automatic and manual) on the specified worksheet are displayed.
bool GetDisplayRightToLeft ()
 True if the specified worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right.
bool GetEnableAutoFilter ()
 True if AutoFilter arrows are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.
void SetEnableAutoFilter (bool enableAutoFilter)
 True if AutoFilter arrows are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.
bool GetEnableCalculation ()
 True if Microsoft Excel automatically recalculates the worksheet when necessary.
void SetEnableCalculation (bool enableCalculation)
 True if Microsoft Excel automatically recalculates the worksheet when necessary.
bool GetEnableFormatConditionsCalculation ()
 Returms or sets if conditional formats will occur automatically as needed.
void SetEnableFormatConditionsCalculation (bool enableFormatConditionsCalculation)
 Returms or sets if conditional formats will will occur automatically as needed.
bool GetEnableOutlining ()
 True if outlining symbols are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.
void SetEnableOutlining (bool enableOutlining)
 True if outlining symbols are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.
bool GetEnablePivotTable ()
 True if PivotTable controls and actions are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.
void SetEnablePivotTable (bool enablePivotTable)
 True if PivotTable controls and actions are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.
XlEnableSelection GetEnableSelection ()
 Returns what can be selected on the sheet.
bool GetFilterMode ()
 True if the worksheet is in the filter mode.
wxExcelPageBreaks GetHPageBreaks ()
 Returns a PageBreaks collection that represents the horizontal page breaks on the sheet.
wxExcelHyperlinks GetHyperlinks ()
 Returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents the hyperlinks for the worksheet.
long GetIndex ()
 Returns the index number of the worksheet in the Worksheets collection.
wxExcelListObjects GetListObjects ()
 Returns a collection of ListObject objects on the worksheet.
wxString GetName ()
 Returns a String value representing the worksheet name.
void SetName (const wxString &name)
 Sets a String value representing the worksheet name.
wxExcelNames GetNames ()
 Returns a Names collection that represents all the worksheet-specific names (names defined with the "WorksheetName!" prefix)
wxExcelWorksheet GetNext ()
 Returns a Worksheet Represents the next sheet.
wxExcelOutline GetOutline ()
 Returns an Outline object that represents the outline for the specified worksheet.
wxExcelPageSetup GetPageSetup ()
 Returns an Outline object that represents the outline for the specified worksheet.
wxExcelWorksheet GetPrevious ()
 Returns a Worksheet Represents the next sheet.
long GetPrintedCommentPages ()
 Returns the number of comment pages that will be printed for the current worksheet.
bool GetProtectContents ()
 True if the contents of the sheet are protected.
bool GetProtectDrawingObjects ()
 True if shapes are protected.
wxExcelProtection GetProtection ()
 Returns a Protection object that represents the protection options of the worksheet.
bool GetProtectionMode ()
 True if user-interface-only protection is turned on.
bool GetProtectScenarios ()
 True if the worksheet scenarios are protected.
wxString GetScrollArea ()
 Returns the range where scrolling is allowed, as an A1-style range reference.
void SetScrollArea (const wxString &scrollArea)
 Sets the range where scrolling is allowed, as an A1-style range reference.
wxExcelShapes GetShapes ()
 Returns a Shapes collection that represents all the shapes on the worksheet.
wxExcelSort GetSort ()
 Returns a Sort object.
double GetStandardHeight ()
 Returns the standard (default) height of all the rows in the worksheet, in points.
double GetStandardWidth ()
 Returns the standard (default) width of all the columns in the worksheet.
void SetStandardWidth (double standardWidth)
 Sets the standard (default) width of all the columns in the worksheet.
wxExcelTab GetTab ()
 Returns a Tab object for a worksheet.
bool GetTransitionExpEval ()
 True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3 expression evaluation rules for the worksheet.
void SetTransitionExpEval (bool transitionExpEval)
 True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3 expression evaluation rules for the worksheet.
bool GetTransitionFormEntry ()
 True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3 formula entry rules for the worksheet.
void SetTransitionFormEntry (bool transitionFormEntry)
 True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3 formula entry rules for the worksheet.
XlSheetType GetType ()
 Returns an XlSheetType value that represents the worksheet type.
wxExcelRange GetUsedRange ()
 Returns a Range Represents the used range on the specified worksheet.
XlSheetVisibility GetVisible ()
 Returns an XlSheetVisibility value that determines whether the object is visible.
void SetVisible (XlSheetVisibility visible)
 Sets an XlSheetVisibility value that determines whether the object is visible.
wxExcelPageBreaks GetVPageBreaks ()
 Returns a PageBreaks collection that represents the vertical page breaks on the sheet.
 operator wxExcelSheet ()
 Automatically converts the wxExcelWorksheet object to wxExcelSheet object so it can be used anywhere wxExcelSheet can.
virtual wxString GetAutoExcelObjectName_ () const
 Returns "Worksheet".
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelRangeOwner
wxExcelRange GetCells (long *row=NULL, long *column=NULL)
 wxExcelApplication: Returns a Range representing all the cells on the active worksheet.
wxExcelRange GetRange (const wxString &cell1, const wxString &cell2=wxEmptyString)
 wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range representing a cell or a range of cells.
wxExcelRange GetRows ()
 wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range representing all the rows on the specified worksheet.
wxExcelRange GetRows (long rowIndex)
 wxExcelRange: Returns a Range containing just one row with rowIndex (starting with 1).
wxExcelRange GetRows (const wxString &rowRange)
 wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range that can contain several contiguous rows.
wxExcelRange GetColumns ()
 wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range representing all the columns on the active worksheet.
wxExcelRange GetColumns (long columnIndex)
 wxExcelRange: Returns a Range containing just one column with columnIndex (starting with 1).
wxExcelRange GetColumns (const wxString &columnRange)
 wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range that can contain several contiguous columns.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
bool IsOk_ () const
 Returns true if the object has a valid dispatch.
wxString GetAutomationObjectName_ (bool stripUnderscores=false) const
 Returns object name as provided by IDispatch->GetTypeInfo()->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &name, NULL, NULL, NULL).
wxSharedPtr< wxAutomationObject > GetAutomationObject_ ()
 Returns the underlying wxAutomationObject.
 operator bool () const
 Returns true if the object has a valid dispatch and its last automation call (if any), i.e.
WXLCID GetAutomationLCID_ () const
 Returns the locale identifier used in automation calls.
bool SetAutomationLCID_ (WXLCID lcid)
 Sets the locale identifier to be used in automation calls.
bool GetPropertyAndMethodNames_ (wxArrayString &propertyNames, wxArrayString &methodNames, bool includeHidden=false)
 Returns lists of property and method names the automation interface exposes.
bool GetUnimplementedObject_ (const wxString &name, wxAutomationObject &object)
 Helper function for receiving an automation object not implemented in wxAutoExcel, see FAQ on how to use.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
enum  ErrorFlags {
  Err_DoNothing = 0 , Err_LogOnInvalidDispatch = 1 , Err_AssertOnInvalidDispatch = 1 << 1 , Err_ThrowOnInvalidDispatch = 1 << 2 ,
  Err_LogOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 3 , Err_AssertOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 4 , Err_ThrowOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 5 , Err_LogOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 6 ,
  Err_AssertOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 7 , Err_ThrowOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 8 , Err_LogOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 9 , Err_AssertOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 10 ,
  Err_ThrowOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 11 , Err_LogOnOtherError = 1 << 12 , Err_AssertOnOtherError = 1 << 13 , Err_ThrowOnOtherError = 1 << 14
 Flags affecting the behaviour of wxExcelObject and its descendants when an error occurs during accessing an Excel object property or calling its method. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
static unsigned GetErrorMode_ ()
 Sets the error mode to the combination of wxExcelObject::ErrorFlags.
static void SetErrorMode_ (unsigned mode)
 Sets the error mode as the combination of wxExcelObject::ErrorFlags.
static bool GetUnimplementedCollectionItem_ (wxAutomationObject &collection, const long index, wxAutomationObject &item, bool asProperty)
 Helper function for obtaining an item from MS Excel collection not implemented in wxAutoExcel, see FAQ on how to use.

Detailed Description

Represents Microsoft Excel Worksheet.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Activate()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Activate ( )

Makes the current sheet the active sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Activate.

◆ Calculate()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Calculate ( )

Calculates a specific worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Calculate.

◆ ChartObjects()

wxExcelChartObject wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::ChartObjects ( long  index)

Returns an object that represents either a single embedded chart (a ChartObject object) or a collection of all the embedded charts (a ChartObjects object) on the sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ChartObjects.

◆ CheckSpelling()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::CheckSpelling ( const wxString &  customDictionary = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  ignoreUpperCase = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  alwaysSuggest = wxDefaultXlTribool,
MsoLanguageID spellLang = NULL 

Checks the spelling of a worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.CheckSpelling.

◆ CircleInvalid()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::CircleInvalid ( )

Circles invalid entries on the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.CircleInvalid.

◆ ClearArrows()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::ClearArrows ( )

Clears the tracer arrows from the worksheet.

Tracer arrows are added by using the auditing feature.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ClearArrows.

◆ ClearCircles()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::ClearCircles ( )

Clears circles from invalid entries on the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ClearCircles.

◆ Copy()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Copy ( )

Method without parameters copies the worksheet into a new workbook.

Method with parameters copies the worksheet to another location in the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Copy.

◆ Delete()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Delete ( )

◆ ExportAsFixedFormat()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::ExportAsFixedFormat ( XlFixedFormatType  type,
const wxString &  fileName = wxEmptyString,
XlFixedFormatQuality quality = NULL,
wxXlTribool  includeDocProperties = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  ignorePrintAreas = wxDefaultXlTribool,
long *  from = NULL,
long *  to = NULL,
wxXlTribool  openAfterPublish = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Exports to a file of the specified format.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ExportAsFixedFormat.

◆ Move()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Move ( )

Method without parameters moves the worksheet into a new workbook.

Method with parameters moves the worksheet to another location in the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Move.

◆ OLEObjects()

wxExcelOLEObjects wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::OLEObjects ( )

Returns an either a single OLE object or a collection of all OLE objects (an OLEObjects collection) on the chart or sheet.


MSDN documentation for Worksheet.OLEObjects.

◆ Paste()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Paste ( wxExcelRange destination = NULL,
wxXlTribool  link = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Pastes the contents of the Clipboard onto the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Paste.

◆ PasteSpecial()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::PasteSpecial ( const wxString &  format = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  link = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  displayAsIcon = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  iconFileName = wxEmptyString,
long *  iconIndex = NULL,
const wxString &  iconLabel = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  noHTMLFormatting = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Pastes the contents of the Clipboard onto the worksheet, using a specified format.

Use this method to paste data from other applications or to paste data in a specific format.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.PasteSpecial.

◆ PrintOut()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::PrintOut ( long *  from = NULL,
long *  to = NULL,
long *  copies = NULL,
wxXlTribool  preview = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  activePrinter = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  printToFile = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  collate = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  prToFileName = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  ignorePrintAreas = wxDefaultXlTribool 

◆ PrintPreview()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::PrintPreview ( wxXlTribool  enableChanges = wxDefaultXlTribool)

Shows a preview of the worksheet as it would look when printed.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.PrintPreview.

◆ Protect()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Protect ( const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  structure = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  windows = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Protects a worksheet so that it cannot be modified.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Protect.

◆ ResetAllPageBreaks()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::ResetAllPageBreaks ( )

Resets all page breaks on the specified worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ResetAllPageBreaks.

◆ SaveAs()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SaveAs ( const wxString &  fileName = wxEmptyString,
XlFileFormat fileFormat = NULL,
const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  writeResPassword = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  readOnlyRecommended = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  createBackup = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  addToMru = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  local = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Saves changes to the worksheet in a different file.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.SaveAs.

◆ Select()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Select ( wxXlTribool  replace = wxDefaultXlTribool)

Selects the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Select.

◆ SetBackgroundPicture()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetBackgroundPicture ( const wxString &  fileName)

Sets the background graphic for a worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.SetBackgroundPicture.

◆ ShowAllData()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::ShowAllData ( )

Makes all rows of the currently filtered list visible.

If AutoFilter is in use, this method changes the arrows to "All."

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ShowAllData.

◆ ShowDataForm()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::ShowDataForm ( )

Displays the data form associated with the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ShowDataForm.

◆ Unprotect()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::Unprotect ( const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString)

Removes protection from the worksheet.

This method has no effect if it isn't protected.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Unprotect.

◆ GetAutoFilter()

wxExcelAutoFilter wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetAutoFilter ( )

Returns an AutoFilter object if filtering is on.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.AutoFilter.

◆ GetAutoFilterMode()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetAutoFilterMode ( )

True if the AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the sheet.

This property is independent of the FilterMode property.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.AutoFilterMode.

◆ SetAutoFilterMode()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetAutoFilterMode ( )

Call to remove the filter drop-down arrows.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.AutoFilterMode.

◆ GetCircularReference()

wxExcelRange wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetCircularReference ( )

Returns a Range Represents the range containing the first circular reference on the sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.CircularReference.

◆ GetComments()

wxExcelComments wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetComments ( )

Returns a Comments collection that represents all the comments for the specified worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Comments.

◆ GetCommentsThreaded()

wxExcelCommentsThreaded wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetCommentsThreaded ( )

Returns a CommentsThreaded collection that represents all the top-level/root comments (no replies) for the specified worksheet.

Includes legacy and modern comments.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.CommentsThreaded.

◆ GetConsolidationFunction()

XlConsolidationFunction wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetConsolidationFunction ( )

Returns the function code used for the current consolidation.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ConsolidationFunction.

◆ GetConsolidationOptions()

wxArrayShort wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetConsolidationOptions ( )

Returns a three-element array of consolidation options.

If the element is 1, that option is set.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ConsolidationOptions.

◆ GetConsolidationSources()

wxArrayString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetConsolidationSources ( )

Returns an array of string values that name the source sheets for the worksheet's current consolidation.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ConsolidationSources.

◆ GetCustomProperties()

wxExcelCustomProperties wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetCustomProperties ( )

Returns a CustomProperties object representing the identifier information associated with a worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.CustomProperties.

◆ GetDisplayPageBreaks()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetDisplayPageBreaks ( )

True if page breaks (both automatic and manual) on the specified worksheet are displayed.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.DisplayPageBreaks.

◆ SetDisplayPageBreaks()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetDisplayPageBreaks ( bool  displayPageBreaks)

True if page breaks (both automatic and manual) on the specified worksheet are displayed.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.DisplayPageBreaks.

◆ GetDisplayRightToLeft()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetDisplayRightToLeft ( )

True if the specified worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right.

False if the object is displayed from left to right.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.DisplayRightToLeft.

◆ GetEnableAutoFilter()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetEnableAutoFilter ( )

True if AutoFilter arrows are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableAutoFilter.

◆ SetEnableAutoFilter()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetEnableAutoFilter ( bool  enableAutoFilter)

True if AutoFilter arrows are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableAutoFilter.

◆ GetEnableCalculation()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetEnableCalculation ( )

True if Microsoft Excel automatically recalculates the worksheet when necessary.

False if Excel doesn't recalculate the sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableCalculation.

◆ SetEnableCalculation()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetEnableCalculation ( bool  enableCalculation)

True if Microsoft Excel automatically recalculates the worksheet when necessary.

False if Excel doesn't recalculate the sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableCalculation.

◆ GetEnableFormatConditionsCalculation()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetEnableFormatConditionsCalculation ( )

Returms or sets if conditional formats will occur automatically as needed.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableFormatConditionsCalculation.

◆ SetEnableFormatConditionsCalculation()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetEnableFormatConditionsCalculation ( bool  enableFormatConditionsCalculation)

Returms or sets if conditional formats will will occur automatically as needed.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableFormatConditionsCalculation.

◆ GetEnableOutlining()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetEnableOutlining ( )

True if outlining symbols are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableOutlining.

◆ SetEnableOutlining()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetEnableOutlining ( bool  enableOutlining)

True if outlining symbols are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableOutlining.

◆ GetEnablePivotTable()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetEnablePivotTable ( )

True if PivotTable controls and actions are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnablePivotTable.

◆ SetEnablePivotTable()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetEnablePivotTable ( bool  enablePivotTable)

True if PivotTable controls and actions are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnablePivotTable.

◆ GetEnableSelection()

XlEnableSelection wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetEnableSelection ( )

Returns what can be selected on the sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.EnableSelection.

◆ GetFilterMode()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetFilterMode ( )

True if the worksheet is in the filter mode.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.FilterMode.

◆ GetHPageBreaks()

wxExcelPageBreaks wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetHPageBreaks ( )

Returns a PageBreaks collection that represents the horizontal page breaks on the sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.HPageBreaks.

◆ GetHyperlinks()

wxExcelHyperlinks wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetHyperlinks ( )

Returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents the hyperlinks for the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Hyperlinks.

◆ GetIndex()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetIndex ( )

Returns the index number of the worksheet in the Worksheets collection.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Index.

◆ GetListObjects()

wxExcelListObjects wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetListObjects ( )

Returns a collection of ListObject objects on the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ListObjects.

◆ GetName()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetName ( )

Returns a String value representing the worksheet name.

[MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Name]https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff196974.aspx).

◆ SetName()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetName ( const wxString &  name)

Sets a String value representing the worksheet name.

[MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Name]https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff196974.aspx).

◆ GetNames()

wxExcelNames wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetNames ( )

Returns a Names collection that represents all the worksheet-specific names (names defined with the "WorksheetName!" prefix)

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Names.

◆ GetNext()

wxExcelWorksheet wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetNext ( )

Returns a Worksheet Represents the next sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Next.

◆ GetOutline()

wxExcelOutline wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetOutline ( )

Returns an Outline object that represents the outline for the specified worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Outline.

◆ GetPageSetup()

wxExcelPageSetup wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetPageSetup ( )

Returns an Outline object that represents the outline for the specified worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Outline.

◆ GetPrevious()

wxExcelWorksheet wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetPrevious ( )

Returns a Worksheet Represents the next sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Previous.

◆ GetPrintedCommentPages()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetPrintedCommentPages ( )

Returns the number of comment pages that will be printed for the current worksheet.

Since Excel 2010.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.PrintedCommentPages.

◆ GetProtectContents()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetProtectContents ( )

True if the contents of the sheet are protected.

This protects the individual cells. To turn on content protection, use the Protect method with the Contents argument set to True.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ProtectContents.

◆ GetProtectDrawingObjects()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetProtectDrawingObjects ( )

True if shapes are protected.

To turn on shape protection, use the Protect method with the DrawingObjects argument set to True.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ProtectDrawingObjects.

◆ GetProtection()

wxExcelProtection wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetProtection ( )

Returns a Protection object that represents the protection options of the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Protection.

◆ GetProtectionMode()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetProtectionMode ( )

True if user-interface-only protection is turned on.

To turn on user interface protection, use the Protect method with the UserInterfaceOnly argument set to True.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ProtectionMode.

◆ GetProtectScenarios()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetProtectScenarios ( )

True if the worksheet scenarios are protected.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ProtectScenarios.

◆ GetScrollArea()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetScrollArea ( )

Returns the range where scrolling is allowed, as an A1-style range reference.

Cells outside the scroll area cannot be selected.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ScrollArea.

◆ SetScrollArea()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetScrollArea ( const wxString &  scrollArea)

Sets the range where scrolling is allowed, as an A1-style range reference.

Cells outside the scroll area cannot be selected.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.ScrollArea.

◆ GetShapes()

wxExcelShapes wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetShapes ( )

Returns a Shapes collection that represents all the shapes on the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Shapes.

◆ GetSort()

wxExcelSort wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetSort ( )

Returns a Sort object.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Sort.

◆ GetStandardHeight()

double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetStandardHeight ( )

Returns the standard (default) height of all the rows in the worksheet, in points.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.StandardHeight.

◆ GetStandardWidth()

double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetStandardWidth ( )

Returns the standard (default) width of all the columns in the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.StandardWidth.

◆ SetStandardWidth()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetStandardWidth ( double  standardWidth)

Sets the standard (default) width of all the columns in the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.StandardWidth.

◆ GetTab()

wxExcelTab wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetTab ( )

Returns a Tab object for a worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Tab.

◆ GetTransitionExpEval()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetTransitionExpEval ( )

True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3 expression evaluation rules for the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.TransitionExpEval.

◆ SetTransitionExpEval()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetTransitionExpEval ( bool  transitionExpEval)

True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3 expression evaluation rules for the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.TransitionExpEval.

◆ GetTransitionFormEntry()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetTransitionFormEntry ( )

True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3 formula entry rules for the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.TransitionFormEntry.

◆ SetTransitionFormEntry()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetTransitionFormEntry ( bool  transitionFormEntry)

True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3 formula entry rules for the worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.TransitionFormEntry.

◆ GetType()

XlSheetType wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetType ( )

Returns an XlSheetType value that represents the worksheet type.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Type.

◆ GetUsedRange()

wxExcelRange wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetUsedRange ( )

Returns a Range Represents the used range on the specified worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.UsedRange.

◆ GetVisible()

XlSheetVisibility wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetVisible ( )

Returns an XlSheetVisibility value that determines whether the object is visible.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Visible.

◆ SetVisible()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::SetVisible ( XlSheetVisibility  visible)

Sets an XlSheetVisibility value that determines whether the object is visible.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.Visible.

◆ GetVPageBreaks()

wxExcelPageBreaks wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetVPageBreaks ( )

Returns a PageBreaks collection that represents the vertical page breaks on the sheet.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.VPageBreaks.

◆ operator wxExcelSheet()

wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::operator wxExcelSheet ( )

Automatically converts the wxExcelWorksheet object to wxExcelSheet object so it can be used anywhere wxExcelSheet can.

◆ GetAutoExcelObjectName_()

virtual wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet::GetAutoExcelObjectName_ ( ) const

Returns "Worksheet".

Reimplemented from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelRangeOwner.