wxAutoExcel 2.0.0
Represents Microsoft Excel Application. More...
#include <wxAutoExcelApplication.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | ActivateMicrosoftApp (XlMSApplication index) |
Activates a Microsoft application. | |
bool | AddCustomList (const wxArrayString &listArray) |
Adds a custom list for custom autofill and/or custom sort. | |
void | Calculate () |
Calculates all open workbooks. | |
void | CalculateFull () |
Forces a full calculation of the data in all open workbooks. | |
void | CalculateFullRebuild () |
For all open workbooks, forces a full calculation of the data and rebuilds the dependencies. | |
void | CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone () |
Runs all pending queries to OLEDB and OLAP data sources. | |
double | CentimetersToPoints (double centimeters) |
Converts a measurement from centimeters to points (one point equals 0.035 centimeters). | |
void | CheckAbort (wxExcelRange *keepAbort=NULL) |
Stops recalculation. | |
bool | CheckSpelling (const wxString &word, const wxString &customDictionary=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool ignoreUpperCase=wxDefaultXlTribool) |
Checks the spelling of a single word. | |
wxString | ConvertFormula (const wxString &formula, XlReferenceStyle fromReferenceStyle, XlReferenceStyle *toReferenceStyle=NULL, XlReferenceStyle *toAbsolute=NULL, wxExcelRange *relativeTo=NULL) |
Converts cell references in a formula between the A1 and R1C1 reference styles, between relative and absolute references, or both. | |
void | DDEExecute (long channel, const wxString &str) |
Runs a command or performs some other action or actions in another application by way of the specified DDE channel. | |
long | DDEInitiate (const wxString &app, const wxString &topic) |
Opens a DDE channel to an application. | |
void | DDEPoke (long channel, const wxVariant &item, const wxVariant &data) |
Sends data to an application. | |
wxVariant | DDERequest (long channel, const wxString &item) |
Requests information from the specified application. | |
void | DDETerminate (long channel) |
Closes a channel to another application. | |
bool | DeleteCustomList (long listNum) |
Deletes a custom list. | |
void | DoubleClick () |
Equivalent to double-clicking the active cell. | |
bool | FindFile () |
Displays the Open dialog box. | |
wxArrayString | GetCustomListContents (long listNum) |
Returns a custom list. | |
long | GetCustomListNum (const wxArrayString &listArray) |
Returns the custom list number for an array of strings. | |
wxArrayString | GetOpenFilename (const wxString &fileFilter=wxEmptyString, long *filterIndex=NULL, const wxString &title=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool multiSelect=wxDefaultXlTribool) |
Displays the standard Open dialog box and gets a file name from the user without actually opening any files. | |
wxString | GetPhonetic (const wxString &text) |
Returns the Japanese phonetic text of the specified text string. | |
wxString | GetSaveAsFilename (const wxString &initialFilename=wxEmptyString, const wxString &fileFilter=wxEmptyString, long *filterIndex=NULL, const wxString &title=wxEmptyString) |
Displays the standard Save As dialog box and gets a file name from the user without actually saving any files. | |
void | Goto (const wxString &reference=wxEmptyString, bool scroll=false) |
Selects any range or Visual Basic procedure in any workbook, and activates that workbook if it is not already active. | |
void | Help (const wxString &helpFile=wxEmptyString, long *helpContextID=NULL) |
Displays a Help topic. | |
double | InchesToPoints (double inches) |
Converts a measurement from inches to points. | |
wxExcelRange | Intersect (const wxExcelRangeVector &ranges) |
Returns a Range representing the rectangular intersection of two or more ranges. | |
void | MailLogoff () |
Closes a MAPI mail session established by Microsoft Excel. | |
void | MailLogon (const wxString &name=wxEmptyString, const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool downloadNewMail=wxDefaultXlTribool) |
Logs in to MAPI Mail or Microsoft Exchange and establishes a mail session. | |
void | Quit () |
Quits Microsoft Excel. | |
void | RecordMacro (const wxString &basicCode, const wxString &XlmCode=wxEmptyString) |
Records code if the macro recorder is on. | |
bool | RegisterXLL (const wxString &fileName) |
Loads an XLL code resource and automatically registers the functions and commands contained in the resource. | |
wxVariant | Run (const wxString ¯o, const wxVariantVector &arguments) |
Runs a macro. | |
void | SaveWorkspace (const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString) |
Saves the current workspace. | |
void | SendKeys (wxString &keys, bool wait=false) |
Sends keystrokes to Excel application. | |
long | SharePointVersion (const wxString &url) |
The SharePoint version number. | |
wxExcelRange | Union (const wxExcelRangeVector &ranges) |
Returns the union of two or more ranges. | |
wxExcelRange | GetActiveCell () |
Returns a Range Represents the active cell in the active window (the window on top) or in the specified window. | |
wxString | GetActivePrinter () |
Returns the name of the active printer. | |
void | SetActivePrinter (const wxString &activePrinter) |
Sets the name of the active printer. | |
wxExcelSheet | GetActiveSheet () |
Returns the active sheet (the sheet on top) in the active workbook or in the specified window or workbook. | |
wxExcelWindow | GetActiveWindow () |
Returns the active window (the window on top). | |
wxExcelWorkbook | GetActiveWorkbook () |
Returns the workbook in the active window (the window on top). | |
wxExcelAddIns | GetAddIns () |
Returns an AddIns collection that represents all the add-ins listed in the Add-Ins dialog box (Add-Ins command on the Developer tab). | |
wxExcelAddIns2 | GetAddIns2 () |
Returns an AddIns2 collection that represents all the add-ins that are currently available or open in Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether they are installed. | |
bool | GetAlertBeforeOverwriting () |
True if Microsoft Excel displays a message before overwriting nonblank cells during a drag-and-drop editing operation. | |
void | SetAlertBeforeOverwriting (bool alertBeforeOverwriting) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays a message before overwriting nonblank cells during a drag-and-drop editing operation. | |
wxString | GetAltStartupPath () |
Returns the name of the alternate startup folder. | |
void | SetAltStartupPath (const wxString &altStartupPath) |
Sets the name of the alternate startup folder. | |
bool | GetAlwaysUseClearType () |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether to use ClearType to display fonts in the menu, Ribbon, and dialog box text. | |
void | SetAlwaysUseClearType (bool alwaysUseClearType) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether to use ClearType to display fonts in the menu, Ribbon, and dialog box text. | |
bool | GetArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable () |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the XML features in Microsoft Excel are available. | |
bool | GetAskToUpdateLinks () |
True if Microsoft Excel asks the user to update links when opening files with links. | |
void | SetAskToUpdateLinks (bool askToUpdateLinks) |
True if Microsoft Excel asks the user to update links when opening files with links. | |
bool | GetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks () |
True (default) if Microsoft Excel automatically formats hyperlinks as you type. | |
void | SetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks (bool autoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks) |
True (default) if Microsoft Excel automatically formats hyperlinks as you type. | |
MsoAutomationSecurity | GetAutomationSecurity () |
Returns an MsoAutomationSecurity constant that represents the security mode Microsoft Excel uses when programmatically opening files. | |
void | SetAutomationSecurity (MsoAutomationSecurity security) |
Sets an MsoAutomationSecurity constant that represents the security mode Microsoft Excel uses when programmatically opening files. | |
bool | GetAutoPercentEntry () |
True if entries in cells formatted as percentages aren't automatically multiplied by 100 as soon as they are entered. | |
void | SetAutoPercentEntry (bool autoPercentEntry) |
True if entries in cells formatted as percentages aren't automatically multiplied by 100 as soon as they are entered. | |
double | GetBuild () |
Returns the Microsoft Excel build number. | |
bool | GetCalculateBeforeSave () |
True if workbooks are calculated before they're saved to disk (if the Calculation property is set to xlManual). | |
void | SetCalculateBeforeSave (bool calculateBeforeSave) |
True if workbooks are calculated before they're saved to disk (if the Calculation property is set to xlManual). | |
XlCalculation | GetCalculation () |
Returns an XlCalculation value that represents the calculation mode. | |
void | SetCalculation (XlCalculation calculation) |
Sets an XlCalculation value that represents the calculation mode. | |
XlCalculationInterruptKey | GetCalculationInterruptKey () |
Returns an XlCalculationInterruptKey constant that specifies the key that can interrupt Microsoft Excel when performing calculations. | |
void | SetCalculationInterruptKey (XlCalculationInterruptKey calculationInterruptKey) |
Sets an XlCalculationInterruptKey constant that specifies the key that can interrupt Microsoft Excel when performing calculations. | |
XlCalculationState | GetCalculationState () |
Returns an XlCalculationState constant that indicates the calculation state of the application, for any calculations that are being performed in Microsoft Excel. | |
long | GetCalculationVersion () |
Returns a number whose rightmost four digits are the minor calculation engine version number, and whose other digits (on the left) are the major version of Microsoft Excel. | |
wxString | GetCaption () |
Returns a String value that represents the name that appears in the title bar of the main Microsoft Excel window. | |
void | SetCaption (const wxString &caption) |
Sets a String value that represents the name that appears in the title bar of the main Microsoft Excel window. | |
bool | GetCellDragAndDrop () |
True if dragging and dropping cells is enabled. | |
void | SetCellDragAndDrop (bool cellDragAndDrop) |
True if dragging and dropping cells is enabled. | |
wxArrayLong | GetClipboardFormats () |
Returns the formats that are currently on the Clipboard, as an array of numeric values. | |
bool | GetConstrainNumeric () |
True if handwriting recognition is limited to numbers and punctuation only. | |
void | SetConstrainNumeric (bool constrainNumeric) |
True if handwriting recognition is limited to numbers and punctuation only. | |
bool | GetControlCharacters () |
True if Microsoft Excel displays control characters for right-to-left languages. | |
void | SetControlCharacters (bool controlCharacters) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays control characters for right-to-left languages. | |
bool | GetCopyObjectsWithCells () |
True if objects are cut, copied, extracted, and sorted with cells. | |
void | SetCopyObjectsWithCells (bool copyObjectsWithCells) |
True if objects are cut, copied, extracted, and sorted with cells. | |
XlMousePointer | GetCursor () |
Returns the appearance of the mouse pointer in Microsoft Excel. | |
void | SetCursor (XlMousePointer cursor) |
Sets the appearance of the mouse pointer in Microsoft Excel. | |
long | GetCursorMovement () |
Returns a value that indicates whether a visual cursor or a logical cursor is used. | |
long | GetCustomListCount () |
Returns the number of defined custom lists (including built-in lists). | |
long | GetCutCopyMode () |
Returns the status of Cut or Copy mode. | |
void | SetCutCopyMode () |
Cancels Cut or Copy mode and removes the moving border. | |
long | GetDataEntryMode () |
Returns Data Entry mode (xlOn, xlOff or xlStrict). | |
void | SetDataEntryMode (long dataEntryMode) |
Sets Data Entry mode (xlOn, xlOff or xlStrict). | |
long | GetDDEAppReturnCode () |
Returns the application-specific DDE return code that was contained in the last DDE acknowledge message received by Microsoft Excel. | |
wxString | GetDecimalSeparator () |
Returns the character used for the decimal separator. | |
void | SetDecimalSeparator (const wxString &decimalSeparator) |
Sets the character used for the decimal separator. | |
wxString | GetDefaultFilePath () |
Returns the default path that Microsoft Excel uses when it opens files. | |
void | SetDefaultFilePath (const wxString &defaultFilePath) |
Sets the default path that Microsoft Excel uses when it opens files. | |
XlFileFormat | GetDefaultSaveFormat () |
Returns the default format for saving files. | |
void | SetDefaultSaveFormat (XlFileFormat defaultSaveFormat) |
Sets the default format for saving files. | |
long | GetDefaultSheetDirection () |
Returns the default direction in which Microsoft Excel displays new windows and worksheets. | |
void | SetDefaultSheetDirection (long defaultSheetDirection) |
Sets the default direction in which Microsoft Excel displays new windows and worksheets. | |
bool | GetDisplayAlerts () |
True if Microsoft Excel displays certain alerts and messages. | |
void | SetDisplayAlerts (bool displayAlerts) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays certain alerts and messages. | |
XlCommentDisplayMode | GetDisplayCommentIndicator () |
Returns the way cells display comments and indicators. | |
void | SetDisplayCommentIndicator (XlCommentDisplayMode displayCommentIndicator) |
Sets the way cells display comments and indicators. | |
bool | GetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete () |
Gets or sets whether to show a list of relevant functions and defined names when building cell formulas. | |
void | SetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete (bool displayFormulaAutoComplete) |
Gets or sets whether to show a list of relevant functions and defined names when building cell formulas. | |
bool | GetDisplayFormulaBar () |
True if the formula bar is displayed. | |
void | SetDisplayFormulaBar (bool displayFormulaBar) |
True if the formula bar is to be displayed. | |
bool | GetDisplayFullScreen () |
True if Microsoft Excel is in full-screen mode. | |
void | SetDisplayFullScreen (bool displayFullScreen) |
True if Microsoft Excel should switch to a full-screen mode. | |
bool | GetDisplayFunctionToolTips () |
True if function ToolTips can be displayed. | |
void | SetDisplayFunctionToolTips (bool displayFunctionToolTips) |
True if function ToolTips are to be displayed. | |
bool | GetDisplayNoteIndicator () |
True if cells containing notes display cell tips and contain note indicators (small dots in their upper-right corners). | |
void | SetDisplayNoteIndicator (bool displayNoteIndicator) |
True if cells containing notes display cell tips and contain note indicators (small dots in their upper-right corners). | |
bool | GetDisplayScrollBars () |
True if scroll bars are visible for all workbooks. | |
void | SetDisplayScrollBars (bool displayScrollBars) |
True if scroll bars are to be visible for all workbooks. | |
bool | GetDisplayStatusBar () |
True if the status bar is displayed. | |
void | SetDisplayStatusBar (bool displayStatusBar) |
True if the status bar is to be displayed. | |
bool | GetEditDirectlyInCell () |
True if Microsoft Excel allows editing in cells. | |
void | SetEditDirectlyInCell (bool editDirectlyInCell) |
True if Microsoft Excel should allow editing in cells. | |
bool | GetEnableAnimations () |
True if animated insertion and deletion is enabled. | |
void | SetEnableAnimations (bool enableAnimations) |
True if animated insertion and deletion is to be enabled. | |
bool | GetEnableAutoComplete () |
True if the AutoComplete feature is enabled. | |
void | SetEnableAutoComplete (bool enableAutoComplete) |
True if the AutoComplete feature is to be enabled. | |
XlEnableCancelKey | GetEnableCancelKey () |
Controls how Microsoft Excel handles CTRL+BREAK (or ESC or COMMAND+PERIOD) user interruptions to the running procedure. | |
void | SetEnableCancelKey (XlEnableCancelKey enableCancelKey) |
Controls how Microsoft Excel handles CTRL+BREAK (or ESC or COMMAND+PERIOD) user interruptions to the running procedure. | |
bool | GetEnableLargeOperationAlert () |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether to display an alert message when a user attempts to perform an operation that affects a larger number of cells than is specified in the Office center UI. | |
void | SetEnableLargeOperationAlert (bool enableLargeOperationAlert) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether to display an alert message when a user attempts to perform an operation that affects a larger number of cells than is specified in the Office center UI. | |
bool | GetEnableLivePreview () |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether to show or hide gallery previews that appear when using galleries that support previewing. | |
void | SetEnableLivePreview (bool enableLivePreview) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether to show or hide gallery previews that appear when using galleries that support previewing. | |
bool | GetEnableMacroAnimations () |
Controls whether macro animations are enabled. | |
void | SetEnableMacroAnimations (bool enableMacroAnimations) |
Controls whether macro animations are enabled. | |
bool | GetEnableSound () |
True if sound is enabled for Microsoft Office. | |
void | SetEnableSound (bool enableSound) |
True if sound is enabled for Microsoft Office. | |
wxExcelErrorCheckingOptions | GetErrorCheckingOptions () |
Returns an ErrorCheckingOptions object, which represents the error checking options for an application. | |
bool | GetExtendList () |
True if Microsoft Excel automatically extends formatting and formulas to new data that is added to a list. | |
void | SetExtendList (bool extendList) |
True if Microsoft Excel automatically extends formatting and formulas to new data that is added to a list. | |
MsoFeatureInstall | GetFeatureInstall () |
Returns a value (constant) that specifies how Microsoft Excel handles calls to methods and properties that require features that aren't yet installed. | |
void | SetFeatureInstall (MsoFeatureInstall featureInstall) |
Sets a value (constant) that specifies how Microsoft Excel handles calls to methods and properties that require features that aren't yet installed. | |
wxExcelFileExportConverters | GetFileExportConverters () |
Returns a FileExportConverters collection that represents all the file converters for saving files available to Microsoft Excel. | |
MsoFileValidationMode | GetFileValidation () |
Returns how Excel will validate files before opening them. | |
void | SetFileValidation (MsoFileValidationMode fileValidation) |
Sets how Excel will validate files before opening them. | |
bool | GetFixedDecimal () |
All data entered after this property is set to True will be formatted with the number of fixed decimal places set by the FixedDecimalPlaces property. | |
void | SetFixedDecimal (bool fixedDecimal) |
All data entered after this property is set to True will be formatted with the number of fixed decimal places set by the FixedDecimalPlaces property. | |
long | GetFixedDecimalPlaces () |
Returns the number of fixed decimal places used when the FixedDecimal property is set to True. | |
void | SetFixedDecimalPlaces (long fixedDecimalPlaces) |
Sets the number of fixed decimal places used when the FixedDecimal property is set to True. | |
bool | GetFlashFill () |
Controls whether Flash Fill feature has been enabled and active. | |
void | SetFlashFill (bool flashFill) |
Controls whether Flash Fill feature has been enabled and active. | |
bool | GetFlashFillMode () |
Controls whether Flash Fill feature is enabled. | |
void | SetFlashFillMode (bool flashFillMode) |
Controls whether Flash Fill feature is enabled. | |
long | GetFormulaBarHeight () |
Allows the user to specify the height of the formula bar in lines. | |
void | SetFormulaBarHeight (long formulaBarHeight) |
Allows the user to specify the height of the formula bar in lines. | |
bool | GetGenerateGetPivotData () |
Returns True when Microsoft Excel can get PivotTable report data. | |
void | SetGenerateGetPivotData (bool generateGetPivotData) |
Returns True when Microsoft Excel can get PivotTable report data. | |
XlGenerateTableRefs | GetGenerateTableRefs () |
The GenerateTableRefs property determines whether the traditional notation method or the new structured referencing notation method is used for referencing tables in formulas. | |
void | SetGenerateTableRefs (XlGenerateTableRefs generateTableRefs) |
The GenerateTableRefs property determines whether the traditional notation method or the new structured referencing notation method is used for referencing tables in formulas. | |
double | GetHeight () |
Returns a Double value that represents the height in points of the main application window. | |
void | SetHeight (double height) |
Sets a Double value that represents the height in points of the main application window. | |
bool | GetHighQualityModeForGraphics () |
Returns whether Excel uses high quality mode to print graphics. | |
void | SetHighQualityModeForGraphics (bool highQualityModeForGraphics) |
Sets whether Excel uses high quality mode to print graphics. | |
long | GetHinstance () |
Returns the instance Microsoft Excel application. | |
wxAEHinstPtr | GetHinstancePtr () |
Returns the instance Microsoft Excel application. | |
long | GetHwnd () |
Returns a Long indicating the top-level window handle of the Microsoft Excel window. | |
bool | GetIgnoreRemoteRequests () |
True if remote DDE requests are ignored. | |
void | SetIgnoreRemoteRequests (bool ignoreRemoteRequests) |
True if remote DDE requests are ignored. | |
bool | GetInteractive () |
True if Microsoft Excel is in interactive mode. | |
void | SetInteractive (bool interactive) |
True to set Microsoft Excel into interactive mode. | |
wxVariant | GetInternational (XlApplicationInternational *index=NULL) |
Returns information about the current country/region and international settings. | |
bool | GetIteration () |
True if Microsoft Excel will use iteration to resolve circular references. | |
void | SetIteration (bool iteration) |
True if Microsoft Excel will use iteration to resolve circular references. | |
bool | GetIsSandboxed () |
Returns true if the specified workbook is open in a Protected View window. | |
wxExcelLanguageSettings | GetLanguageSettings () |
Returns the LanguageSettings object, which contains information about the language settings in Microsoft Excel. | |
long | GetLargeOperationCellThousandCount () |
Returns the maximum number of cells needed in an operation beyond which an alert is triggered. | |
void | SetLargeOperationCellThousandCount (long largeOperationCellThousandCount) |
Sets the maximum number of cells needed in an operation beyond which an alert is triggered. | |
double | GetLeft () |
The distance, in points, from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the main Microsoft Excel window. | |
void | SetLeft (double left) |
The distance, in points, from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the main Microsoft Excel window. | |
wxString | GetLibraryPath () |
Returns the path to the Library folder, but without the final separator. | |
wxString | GetMailSession () |
Returns the MAPI mail session number as a hexadecimal string (if there's an active session), or an empty string if there's no session. | |
XlMailSystem | GetMailSystem () |
Returns the mail system that's installed on the host machine. | |
bool | GetMapPaperSize () |
True if documents formatted for the standard paper size of another country/region (for example, A4) are automatically adjusted so that they're printed correctly on the standard paper size (for example, Letter) of your country/region. | |
void | SetMapPaperSize (bool mapPaperSize) |
True if documents formatted for the standard paper size of another country/region (for example, A4) are automatically adjusted so that they're printed correctly on the standard paper size (for example, Letter) of your country/region. | |
bool | GetMathCoprocessorAvailable () |
True if a math coprocessor is available. | |
double | GetMaxChange () |
Returns the maximum amount of change between each iteration as Microsoft Excel resolves circular references. | |
void | SetMaxChange (double maxChange) |
Sets the maximum amount of change between each iteration as Microsoft Excel resolves circular references. | |
long | GetMaxIterations () |
Returns the maximum number of iterations that Microsoft Excel can use to resolve a circular reference. | |
void | SetMaxIterations (long iterations) |
Sets the maximum number of iterations that Microsoft Excel can use to resolve a circular reference. | |
bool | GetMergeInstances () |
Controls whether to merge multiple instances of the application into a single one. | |
void | SetMergeInstances (bool mergeInstances) |
Controls whether to merge multiple instances of the application into a single one. | |
XlMeasurementUnits | GetMeasurementUnit () |
Specifies the measurement unit used in the application. | |
void | SetMeasurementUnit (XlMeasurementUnits measurementUnit) |
Specifies the measurement unit used in the application. | |
bool | GetMouseAvailable () |
True if a mouse is available. | |
bool | GetMoveAfterReturn () |
True if the active cell will be moved as soon as the ENTER (RETURN) key is pressed. | |
void | SetMoveAfterReturn (bool moveAfterReturn) |
True if the active cell will be moved as soon as the ENTER (RETURN) key is pressed. | |
XlDirection | GetMoveAfterReturnDirection () |
Returns the direction in which the active cell is moved when the user presses ENTER. | |
void | SetMoveAfterReturnDirection (XlDirection moveAfterReturnDirection) |
Sets the direction in which the active cell is moved when the user presses ENTER. | |
wxExcelMultiThreadedCalculation | GetMultiThreadedCalculation () |
Returns a MultiThreadedCalculation object that controls the multi-threaded recalculation settings. | |
wxString | GetName () |
Returns the name of the object. | |
wxExcelNames | GetNames () |
Returns a Names collection that represents all the names in the active workbook. | |
wxString | GetNetworkTemplatesPath () |
Returns the network path where templates are stored. | |
long | GetODBCTimeout () |
Returns the ODBC query time limit, in seconds. | |
void | SetODBCTimeout (long oDBCTimeout) |
Sets the ODBC query time limit, in seconds. | |
wxString | GetOperatingSystem () |
Returns the name and version number of the current operating system - for example, "Windows (32-bit) 4.00" or "Macintosh 7.00". | |
wxString | GetOrganizationName () |
Returns the registered organization name. | |
wxString | GetPath () |
Returns a String value that represents the complete path to the application, excluding the final separator and name of the application. | |
wxString | GetPathSeparator () |
Returns the path separator character ("\"). | |
bool | GetPivotTableSelection () |
True if PivotTable reports use structured selection. | |
void | SetPivotTableSelection (bool pivotTableSelection) |
True if PivotTable reports use structured selection. | |
bool | GetPrintCommunication () |
Specifies whether communication with the printer is turned on. | |
void | SetPrintCommunication (bool printCommunication) |
Specifies whether communication with the printer is turned on. | |
wxString | GetProductCode () |
Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for Microsoft Excel. | |
bool | GetPromptForSummaryInfo () |
True if Microsoft Excel asks for summary information when files are first saved. | |
void | SetPromptForSummaryInfo (bool promptForSummaryInfo) |
True if Microsoft Excel asks for summary information when files are first saved. | |
bool | GetReady () |
Returns True when the Microsoft Excel application is ready. | |
wxExcelRecentFiles | GetRecentFiles () |
Returns a RecentFiles collection that represents the list of recently used files. | |
XlReferenceStyle | GetReferenceStyle () |
Returns how Microsoft Excel displays cell references and row and column headings in either A1 or R1C1 reference style. | |
void | SetReferenceStyle (XlReferenceStyle referenceStyle) |
Sets how Microsoft Excel displays cell references and row and column headings in either A1 or R1C1 reference style. | |
bool | GetRollZoom () |
True if the IntelliMouse zooms instead of scrolling. | |
void | SetRollZoom (bool rollZoom) |
True if the IntelliMouse zooms instead of scrolling. | |
bool | GetScreenUpdating () |
True if screen updating is turned on. | |
void | SetScreenUpdating (bool screenUpdating) |
True if screen updating is turned on. | |
wxExcelSheets | GetSheets () |
Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the sheets in the active workbook. | |
long | GetSheetsInNewWorkbook () |
Returns the number of sheets that Microsoft Excel automatically inserts into new workbooks. | |
void | SetSheetsInNewWorkbook (long sheetsInNewWorkbook) |
Sets the number of sheets that Microsoft Excel automatically inserts into new workbooks. | |
bool | GetShowDevTools () |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether the Developer tab is displayed in the Ribbon. | |
void | SetShowDevTools (bool showDevTools) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether the Developer tab is displayed in the Ribbon. | |
bool | GetShowMenuFloaties () |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether to display Mini toolbars when the user right-clicks in the workbook window. | |
void | SetShowMenuFloaties (bool showMenuFloaties) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether to display Mini toolbars when the user right-clicks in the workbook window. | |
bool | GetShowQuickAnalysis () |
Controls whether the Quick Analysis contextual user interface is displayed on selection. | |
void | SetShowQuickAnalysis (bool showQuickAnalysis) |
Controls whether the Quick Analysis contextual user interface is displayed on selection. | |
bool | GetShowSelectionFloaties () |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether Mini toolbars displays when a user selects text. | |
void | SetShowSelectionFloaties (bool showSelectionFloaties) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether Mini toolbars displays when a user selects text. | |
bool | GetShowStartupDialog () |
Returns True (default is False) when the New Workbook task pane appears for a Microsoft Excel application. | |
void | SetShowStartupDialog (bool showStartupDialog) |
Returns True (default is False) when the New Workbook task pane appears for a Microsoft Excel application. | |
bool | GetShowToolTips () |
True if ToolTips are turned on. | |
void | SetShowToolTips (bool showToolTips) |
True if ToolTips are turned on. | |
bool | GetShowWindowsInTaskbar () |
True if there's a separate Windows taskbar button for each open workbook. | |
void | SetShowWindowsInTaskbar (bool showWindowsInTaskbar) |
True if there's a separate Windows taskbar button for each open workbook. | |
wxString | GetStandardFont () |
Returns the name of the standard font. | |
void | SetStandardFont (const wxString &standardFont) |
Sets the name of the standard font. | |
double | GetStandardFontSize () |
Returns the standard font size, in points. | |
void | SetStandardFontSize (double standardFontSize) |
Sets the standard font size, in points. | |
wxString | GetStartupPath () |
Returns the complete path of the startup folder, excluding the final separator. | |
wxString | GetStatusBar () |
Returns the text in the status bar. | |
void | SetStatusBar (const wxString &statusBar) |
Sets the text in the status bar. | |
wxString | GetTemplatesPath () |
Returns the local path where templates are stored. | |
wxString | GetThousandsSeparator () |
Returns the character used for the thousands separator as a String. | |
void | SetThousandsSeparator (const wxString &thousandsSeparator) |
Sets the character used for the thousands separator as a String. | |
double | GetTop () |
Returns a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the main Microsoft Excel window. | |
void | SetTop (double top) |
Sets a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the main Microsoft Excel window. | |
wxString | GetTransitionMenuKey () |
Returns the Microsoft Excel menu or help key, which is usually "/". | |
void | SetTransitionMenuKey (const wxString &transitionMenuKey) |
Sets the Microsoft Excel menu or help key, which is usually "/". | |
long | GetTransitionMenuKeyAction () |
Returns the action taken when the Microsoft Excel menu key is pressed. | |
void | SetTransitionMenuKeyAction (long transitionMenuKeyAction) |
Sets the action taken when the Microsoft Excel menu key is pressed. | |
bool | GetTransitionNavigKeys () |
True if transition navigation keys are active. | |
void | SetTransitionNavigKeys (bool transitionNavigKeys) |
True if transition navigation keys are active. | |
double | GetUsableHeight () |
Returns the maximum height of the space that a window can occupy in the application window area, in points. | |
double | GetUsableWidth () |
Returns the maximum width of the space that a window can occupy in the application window area, in points. | |
bool | GetUserControl () |
True if the application is visible or if it was created or started by the user. | |
void | SetUserControl (bool userControl) |
True if the application is visible or if it was created or started by the user. | |
wxString | GetUserLibraryPath () |
Returns the path to the location on the user's computer where the COM add-ins are installed. | |
wxString | GetUsername () |
Returns the name of the current user. | |
void | SetUsername (const wxString &userName) |
Sets the name of the current user. | |
bool | GetUseSystemSeparators () |
True (default) if the system separators of Microsoft Excel are enabled. | |
void | SetUseSystemSeparators (bool useSystemSeparators) |
True (default) if the system separators of Microsoft Excel are enabled. | |
wxString | GetVersion () |
Returns a String value that represents the Microsoft Excel version number. | |
bool | GetVisible () |
Returns a Boolean value that determines whether the object is visible. | |
void | SetVisible (bool visible) |
Sets a Boolean value that determines whether the object is visible. | |
double | GetWidth () |
Returns a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the left edge of the application window to its right edge. | |
void | SetWidth (double width) |
Sets a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the left edge of the application window to its right edge. | |
wxExcelWindows | GetWindows () |
Returns a Windows collection that represents all the windows in all the workbooks. | |
bool | GetWindowsForPens () |
True if the computer is running under Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing. | |
XlWindowState | GetWindowState () |
Returns the state of the window. | |
void | SetWindowState (XlWindowState windowState) |
Sets the state of the window. | |
wxExcelWorkbooks | GetWorkbooks () |
Returns a Workbooks collection that represents all the open workbooks. | |
wxExcelWorksheets | GetWorksheets () |
For an Application object, returns a Sheets collection that represents all the worksheets in the active workbook. | |
bool | GetVersionAsDouble_ (double &version) |
Returns MS Excel version as a double matching Application.Version. | |
bool | GetVersionAsEnum_ (ExcelForWindowsVersions &version) |
Returns MS Excel version as an ExcelForWindowsVersions enum value. | |
bool | IsVersionAtLeast_ (ExcelForWindowsVersions version) |
Returns true if the instance is version or newer. | |
virtual wxString | GetAutoExcelObjectName_ () const |
Returns "Application". | |
![]() | |
wxExcelRange | GetCells (long *row=NULL, long *column=NULL) |
wxExcelApplication: Returns a Range representing all the cells on the active worksheet. | |
wxExcelRange | GetRange (const wxString &cell1, const wxString &cell2=wxEmptyString) |
wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range representing a cell or a range of cells. | |
wxExcelRange | GetRows () |
wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range representing all the rows on the specified worksheet. | |
wxExcelRange | GetRows (long rowIndex) |
wxExcelRange: Returns a Range containing just one row with rowIndex (starting with 1). | |
wxExcelRange | GetRows (const wxString &rowRange) |
wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range that can contain several contiguous rows. | |
wxExcelRange | GetColumns () |
wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range representing all the columns on the active worksheet. | |
wxExcelRange | GetColumns (long columnIndex) |
wxExcelRange: Returns a Range containing just one column with columnIndex (starting with 1). | |
wxExcelRange | GetColumns (const wxString &columnRange) |
wxExcelWorksheet: Returns a Range that can contain several contiguous columns. | |
![]() | |
bool | IsOk_ () const |
Returns true if the object has a valid dispatch. | |
wxString | GetAutomationObjectName_ (bool stripUnderscores=false) const |
Returns object name as provided by IDispatch->GetTypeInfo()->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &name, NULL, NULL, NULL). | |
wxSharedPtr< wxAutomationObject > | GetAutomationObject_ () |
Returns the underlying wxAutomationObject. | |
operator bool () const | |
Returns true if the object has a valid dispatch and its last automation call (if any), i.e. | |
WXLCID | GetAutomationLCID_ () const |
Returns the locale identifier used in automation calls. | |
bool | SetAutomationLCID_ (WXLCID lcid) |
Sets the locale identifier to be used in automation calls. | |
bool | GetPropertyAndMethodNames_ (wxArrayString &propertyNames, wxArrayString &methodNames, bool includeHidden=false) |
Returns lists of property and method names the automation interface exposes. | |
bool | GetUnimplementedObject_ (const wxString &name, wxAutomationObject &object) |
Helper function for receiving an automation object not implemented in wxAutoExcel, see FAQ on how to use. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static wxExcelApplication | CreateInstance () |
Launches MS Excel and creates an instance of MS Excel Application. | |
static wxExcelApplication | GetInstance (int flags=wxAutomationInstance_CreateIfNeeded) |
Analogical to wxAutomationObject::GetInstance(). | |
static wxExcelApplication | GetInstance (const wxString &workbookPath) |
Attempts to connect to the instance of Excel where the workbook with the workbookPath (must be the full path) is opened, if any. | |
![]() | |
static unsigned | GetErrorMode_ () |
Sets the error mode to the combination of wxExcelObject::ErrorFlags. | |
static void | SetErrorMode_ (unsigned mode) |
Sets the error mode as the combination of wxExcelObject::ErrorFlags. | |
static bool | GetUnimplementedCollectionItem_ (wxAutomationObject &collection, const long index, wxAutomationObject &item, bool asProperty) |
Helper function for obtaining an item from MS Excel collection not implemented in wxAutoExcel, see FAQ on how to use. | |
Represents Microsoft Excel Application.
Constants for known MS Excel versions used by GetVersionAsEnum_() and IsVersionAtLeast_().
static |
Launches MS Excel and creates an instance of MS Excel Application.
If failed then returned wxExcelApplication::IsOk_() returns false.
static |
Analogical to wxAutomationObject::GetInstance().
If failed then returned wxExcelApplication::IsOk_() returns false.
static |
Attempts to connect to the instance of Excel where the workbook with the workbookPath (must be the full path) is opened, if any.
Note: After getting the instance, the workbook with workbookPath may not be the ActiveWorkbook, in case the Excel instance has several documents open and some other workbook is active. If failed then returned wxExcelApplication::IsOk_() returns false.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::ActivateMicrosoftApp | ( | XlMSApplication | index | ) |
Activates a Microsoft application.
If the application is already running, this method activates the running application. If the application is not running, this method starts a new instance of the application.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::AddCustomList | ( | const wxArrayString & | listArray | ) |
Adds a custom list for custom autofill and/or custom sort.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::Calculate | ( | ) |
Calculates all open workbooks.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::CalculateFull | ( | ) |
Forces a full calculation of the data in all open workbooks.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::CalculateFullRebuild | ( | ) |
For all open workbooks, forces a full calculation of the data and rebuilds the dependencies.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone | ( | ) |
Runs all pending queries to OLEDB and OLAP data sources.
MSDN documentation for Application.CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::CentimetersToPoints | ( | double | centimeters | ) |
Converts a measurement from centimeters to points (one point equals 0.035 centimeters).
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::CheckAbort | ( | wxExcelRange * | keepAbort = NULL | ) |
Stops recalculation.
If keepAbort is a valid range, the recalculation will be finished for it.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::CheckSpelling | ( | const wxString & | word, |
const wxString & | customDictionary = wxEmptyString , |
wxXlTribool | ignoreUpperCase = wxDefaultXlTribool |
) |
Checks the spelling of a single word.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::ConvertFormula | ( | const wxString & | formula, |
XlReferenceStyle | fromReferenceStyle, | ||
XlReferenceStyle * | toReferenceStyle = NULL , |
XlReferenceStyle * | toAbsolute = NULL , |
wxExcelRange * | relativeTo = NULL |
) |
Converts cell references in a formula between the A1 and R1C1 reference styles, between relative and absolute references, or both.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::DDEExecute | ( | long | channel, |
const wxString & | str | ||
) |
Runs a command or performs some other action or actions in another application by way of the specified DDE channel.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::DDEInitiate | ( | const wxString & | app, |
const wxString & | topic | ||
) |
Opens a DDE channel to an application.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::DDEPoke | ( | long | channel, |
const wxVariant & | item, | ||
const wxVariant & | data | ||
) |
Sends data to an application.
wxVariant wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::DDERequest | ( | long | channel, |
const wxString & | item | ||
) |
Requests information from the specified application.
This method always returns a list.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::DDETerminate | ( | long | channel | ) |
Closes a channel to another application.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::DeleteCustomList | ( | long | listNum | ) |
Deletes a custom list.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::DoubleClick | ( | ) |
Equivalent to double-clicking the active cell.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::FindFile | ( | ) |
Displays the Open dialog box.
Returns true if the file chosen by the user was successfully open, false otherwise.
wxArrayString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCustomListContents | ( | long | listNum | ) |
Returns a custom list.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCustomListNum | ( | const wxArrayString & | listArray | ) |
Returns the custom list number for an array of strings.
You can use this method to match both built-in lists and custom-defined lists.
wxArrayString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetOpenFilename | ( | const wxString & | fileFilter = wxEmptyString , |
long * | filterIndex = NULL , |
const wxString & | title = wxEmptyString , |
wxXlTribool | multiSelect = wxDefaultXlTribool |
) |
Displays the standard Open dialog box and gets a file name from the user without actually opening any files.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetPhonetic | ( | const wxString & | text | ) |
Returns the Japanese phonetic text of the specified text string.
This method is available to you only if you have selected or installed Japanese language support for Microsoft Office.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetSaveAsFilename | ( | const wxString & | initialFilename = wxEmptyString , |
const wxString & | fileFilter = wxEmptyString , |
long * | filterIndex = NULL , |
const wxString & | title = wxEmptyString |
) |
Displays the standard Save As dialog box and gets a file name from the user without actually saving any files.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::Goto | ( | const wxString & | reference = wxEmptyString , |
bool | scroll = false |
) |
Selects any range or Visual Basic procedure in any workbook, and activates that workbook if it is not already active.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::Help | ( | const wxString & | helpFile = wxEmptyString , |
long * | helpContextID = NULL |
) |
Displays a Help topic.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::InchesToPoints | ( | double | inches | ) |
Converts a measurement from inches to points.
wxExcelRange wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::Intersect | ( | const wxExcelRangeVector & | ranges | ) |
Returns a Range representing the rectangular intersection of two or more ranges.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::MailLogoff | ( | ) |
Closes a MAPI mail session established by Microsoft Excel.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::MailLogon | ( | const wxString & | name = wxEmptyString , |
const wxString & | password = wxEmptyString , |
wxXlTribool | downloadNewMail = wxDefaultXlTribool |
) |
Logs in to MAPI Mail or Microsoft Exchange and establishes a mail session.
If Microsoft Mail is not already running, you must use this method to establish a mail session before mail or document routing functions can be used.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::Quit | ( | ) |
Quits Microsoft Excel.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::RecordMacro | ( | const wxString & | basicCode, |
const wxString & | XlmCode = wxEmptyString |
) |
Records code if the macro recorder is on.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::RegisterXLL | ( | const wxString & | fileName | ) |
Loads an XLL code resource and automatically registers the functions and commands contained in the resource.
wxVariant wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::Run | ( | const wxString & | macro, |
const wxVariantVector & | arguments | ||
) |
Runs a macro.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SaveWorkspace | ( | const wxString & | fileName = wxEmptyString | ) |
Saves the current workspace.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SendKeys | ( | wxString & | keys, |
bool | wait = false |
) |
Sends keystrokes to Excel application.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SharePointVersion | ( | const wxString & | url | ) |
The SharePoint version number.
wxExcelRange wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::Union | ( | const wxExcelRangeVector & | ranges | ) |
Returns the union of two or more ranges.
wxExcelRange wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetActiveCell | ( | ) |
Returns a Range Represents the active cell in the active window (the window on top) or in the specified window.
If the window is not displaying a worksheet, this property fails.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetActivePrinter | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the active printer.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetActivePrinter | ( | const wxString & | activePrinter | ) |
Sets the name of the active printer.
wxExcelSheet wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetActiveSheet | ( | ) |
Returns the active sheet (the sheet on top) in the active workbook or in the specified window or workbook.
wxExcelWindow wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetActiveWindow | ( | ) |
Returns the active window (the window on top).
wxExcelWorkbook wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetActiveWorkbook | ( | ) |
Returns the workbook in the active window (the window on top).
wxExcelAddIns wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAddIns | ( | ) |
Returns an AddIns collection that represents all the add-ins listed in the Add-Ins dialog box (Add-Ins command on the Developer tab).
wxExcelAddIns2 wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAddIns2 | ( | ) |
Returns an AddIns2 collection that represents all the add-ins that are currently available or open in Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether they are installed.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAlertBeforeOverwriting | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays a message before overwriting nonblank cells during a drag-and-drop editing operation.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetAlertBeforeOverwriting | ( | bool | alertBeforeOverwriting | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays a message before overwriting nonblank cells during a drag-and-drop editing operation.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAltStartupPath | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the alternate startup folder.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetAltStartupPath | ( | const wxString & | altStartupPath | ) |
Sets the name of the alternate startup folder.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAlwaysUseClearType | ( | ) |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether to use ClearType to display fonts in the menu, Ribbon, and dialog box text.
Since MS Excel 2007.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetAlwaysUseClearType | ( | bool | alwaysUseClearType | ) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether to use ClearType to display fonts in the menu, Ribbon, and dialog box text.
Since MS Excel 2007.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable | ( | ) |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the XML features in Microsoft Excel are available.
MSDN documentation for Application.ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAskToUpdateLinks | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel asks the user to update links when opening files with links.
False if links are automatically updated with no dialog box.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetAskToUpdateLinks | ( | bool | askToUpdateLinks | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel asks the user to update links when opening files with links.
False if links are automatically updated with no dialog box.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks | ( | ) |
True (default) if Microsoft Excel automatically formats hyperlinks as you type.
False if Excel does not automatically format hyperlinks as you type.
MSDN documentation for Application.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetAutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks | ( | bool | autoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks | ) |
True (default) if Microsoft Excel automatically formats hyperlinks as you type.
False if Excel does not automatically format hyperlinks as you type.
MSDN documentation for Application.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks.
MsoAutomationSecurity wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAutomationSecurity | ( | ) |
Returns an MsoAutomationSecurity constant that represents the security mode Microsoft Excel uses when programmatically opening files.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetAutomationSecurity | ( | MsoAutomationSecurity | security | ) |
Sets an MsoAutomationSecurity constant that represents the security mode Microsoft Excel uses when programmatically opening files.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetAutoPercentEntry | ( | ) |
True if entries in cells formatted as percentages aren't automatically multiplied by 100 as soon as they are entered.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetAutoPercentEntry | ( | bool | autoPercentEntry | ) |
True if entries in cells formatted as percentages aren't automatically multiplied by 100 as soon as they are entered.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetBuild | ( | ) |
Returns the Microsoft Excel build number.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCalculateBeforeSave | ( | ) |
True if workbooks are calculated before they're saved to disk (if the Calculation property is set to xlManual).
This property is preserved even if you change the Calculation property.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetCalculateBeforeSave | ( | bool | calculateBeforeSave | ) |
True if workbooks are calculated before they're saved to disk (if the Calculation property is set to xlManual).
This property is preserved even if you change the Calculation property.
XlCalculation wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCalculation | ( | ) |
Returns an XlCalculation value that represents the calculation mode.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetCalculation | ( | XlCalculation | calculation | ) |
Sets an XlCalculation value that represents the calculation mode.
There must be at least one active workbook, else the call fails.
XlCalculationInterruptKey wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCalculationInterruptKey | ( | ) |
Returns an XlCalculationInterruptKey constant that specifies the key that can interrupt Microsoft Excel when performing calculations.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetCalculationInterruptKey | ( | XlCalculationInterruptKey | calculationInterruptKey | ) |
Sets an XlCalculationInterruptKey constant that specifies the key that can interrupt Microsoft Excel when performing calculations.
XlCalculationState wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCalculationState | ( | ) |
Returns an XlCalculationState constant that indicates the calculation state of the application, for any calculations that are being performed in Microsoft Excel.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCalculationVersion | ( | ) |
Returns a number whose rightmost four digits are the minor calculation engine version number, and whose other digits (on the left) are the major version of Microsoft Excel.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCaption | ( | ) |
Returns a String value that represents the name that appears in the title bar of the main Microsoft Excel window.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetCaption | ( | const wxString & | caption | ) |
Sets a String value that represents the name that appears in the title bar of the main Microsoft Excel window.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCellDragAndDrop | ( | ) |
True if dragging and dropping cells is enabled.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetCellDragAndDrop | ( | bool | cellDragAndDrop | ) |
True if dragging and dropping cells is enabled.
wxArrayLong wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetClipboardFormats | ( | ) |
Returns the formats that are currently on the Clipboard, as an array of numeric values.
To determine whether a particular format is on the Clipboard, compare each element in the array with the appropriate XlClipboardFormat constant.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetConstrainNumeric | ( | ) |
True if handwriting recognition is limited to numbers and punctuation only.
This property is available only if you're using Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetConstrainNumeric | ( | bool | constrainNumeric | ) |
True if handwriting recognition is limited to numbers and punctuation only.
This property is available only if you're using Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetControlCharacters | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays control characters for right-to-left languages.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetControlCharacters | ( | bool | controlCharacters | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays control characters for right-to-left languages.
This property can be set only when right to left language support has been installed and selected.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCopyObjectsWithCells | ( | ) |
True if objects are cut, copied, extracted, and sorted with cells.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetCopyObjectsWithCells | ( | bool | copyObjectsWithCells | ) |
True if objects are cut, copied, extracted, and sorted with cells.
XlMousePointer wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCursor | ( | ) |
Returns the appearance of the mouse pointer in Microsoft Excel.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetCursor | ( | XlMousePointer | cursor | ) |
Sets the appearance of the mouse pointer in Microsoft Excel.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCursorMovement | ( | ) |
Returns a value that indicates whether a visual cursor or a logical cursor is used.
Can be one of the following constants: xlVisualCursor or xlLogicalCursor.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCustomListCount | ( | ) |
Returns the number of defined custom lists (including built-in lists).
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetCutCopyMode | ( | ) |
Returns the status of Cut or Copy mode.
Can be 0 ( for false) or an XlCutCopyMode constant.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetCutCopyMode | ( | ) |
Cancels Cut or Copy mode and removes the moving border.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDataEntryMode | ( | ) |
Returns Data Entry mode (xlOn, xlOff or xlStrict).
When in Data Entry mode, you can enter data only in the unlocked cells in the currently selected range.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDataEntryMode | ( | long | dataEntryMode | ) |
Sets Data Entry mode (xlOn, xlOff or xlStrict).
When in Data Entry mode, you can enter data only in the unlocked cells in the currently selected range.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDDEAppReturnCode | ( | ) |
Returns the application-specific DDE return code that was contained in the last DDE acknowledge message received by Microsoft Excel.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDecimalSeparator | ( | ) |
Returns the character used for the decimal separator.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDecimalSeparator | ( | const wxString & | decimalSeparator | ) |
Sets the character used for the decimal separator.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDefaultFilePath | ( | ) |
Returns the default path that Microsoft Excel uses when it opens files.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDefaultFilePath | ( | const wxString & | defaultFilePath | ) |
Sets the default path that Microsoft Excel uses when it opens files.
XlFileFormat wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDefaultSaveFormat | ( | ) |
Returns the default format for saving files.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDefaultSaveFormat | ( | XlFileFormat | defaultSaveFormat | ) |
Sets the default format for saving files.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDefaultSheetDirection | ( | ) |
Returns the default direction in which Microsoft Excel displays new windows and worksheets.
Can be one of the following constants: xlRTL (right to left) or xlLTR (left to right).
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDefaultSheetDirection | ( | long | defaultSheetDirection | ) |
Sets the default direction in which Microsoft Excel displays new windows and worksheets.
Can be one of the following constants: xlRTL (right to left) or xlLTR (left to right).
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayAlerts | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays certain alerts and messages.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayAlerts | ( | bool | displayAlerts | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel displays certain alerts and messages.
XlCommentDisplayMode wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayCommentIndicator | ( | ) |
Returns the way cells display comments and indicators.
Can be one of the XlCommentDisplayMode constants.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayCommentIndicator | ( | XlCommentDisplayMode | displayCommentIndicator | ) |
Sets the way cells display comments and indicators.
Can be one of the XlCommentDisplayMode constants.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete | ( | ) |
Gets or sets whether to show a list of relevant functions and defined names when building cell formulas.
Since MS Excel 2007.
MSDN documentation for Application.DisplayFormulaAutoComplete.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayFormulaAutoComplete | ( | bool | displayFormulaAutoComplete | ) |
Gets or sets whether to show a list of relevant functions and defined names when building cell formulas.
Since MS Excel 2007.
MSDN documentation for Application.DisplayFormulaAutoComplete.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayFormulaBar | ( | ) |
True if the formula bar is displayed.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayFormulaBar | ( | bool | displayFormulaBar | ) |
True if the formula bar is to be displayed.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayFullScreen | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel is in full-screen mode.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayFullScreen | ( | bool | displayFullScreen | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel should switch to a full-screen mode.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayFunctionToolTips | ( | ) |
True if function ToolTips can be displayed.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayFunctionToolTips | ( | bool | displayFunctionToolTips | ) |
True if function ToolTips are to be displayed.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayNoteIndicator | ( | ) |
True if cells containing notes display cell tips and contain note indicators (small dots in their upper-right corners).
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayNoteIndicator | ( | bool | displayNoteIndicator | ) |
True if cells containing notes display cell tips and contain note indicators (small dots in their upper-right corners).
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayScrollBars | ( | ) |
True if scroll bars are visible for all workbooks.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayScrollBars | ( | bool | displayScrollBars | ) |
True if scroll bars are to be visible for all workbooks.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetDisplayStatusBar | ( | ) |
True if the status bar is displayed.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetDisplayStatusBar | ( | bool | displayStatusBar | ) |
True if the status bar is to be displayed.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetEditDirectlyInCell | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel allows editing in cells.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetEditDirectlyInCell | ( | bool | editDirectlyInCell | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel should allow editing in cells.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetEnableAnimations | ( | ) |
True if animated insertion and deletion is enabled.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetEnableAnimations | ( | bool | enableAnimations | ) |
True if animated insertion and deletion is to be enabled.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetEnableAutoComplete | ( | ) |
True if the AutoComplete feature is enabled.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetEnableAutoComplete | ( | bool | enableAutoComplete | ) |
True if the AutoComplete feature is to be enabled.
XlEnableCancelKey wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetEnableCancelKey | ( | ) |
Controls how Microsoft Excel handles CTRL+BREAK (or ESC or COMMAND+PERIOD) user interruptions to the running procedure.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetEnableCancelKey | ( | XlEnableCancelKey | enableCancelKey | ) |
Controls how Microsoft Excel handles CTRL+BREAK (or ESC or COMMAND+PERIOD) user interruptions to the running procedure.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetEnableLargeOperationAlert | ( | ) |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether to display an alert message when a user attempts to perform an operation that affects a larger number of cells than is specified in the Office center UI.
Since MS Excel 2007.
MSDN documentation for Application.EnableLargeOperationAlert.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetEnableLargeOperationAlert | ( | bool | enableLargeOperationAlert | ) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether to display an alert message when a user attempts to perform an operation that affects a larger number of cells than is specified in the Office center UI.
Since MS Excel 2007.
MSDN documentation for Application.EnableLargeOperationAlert.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetEnableLivePreview | ( | ) |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether to show or hide gallery previews that appear when using galleries that support previewing.
Setting this property to True shows a preview of your workbook before applying the command. Since MS Excel 2007.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetEnableLivePreview | ( | bool | enableLivePreview | ) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether to show or hide gallery previews that appear when using galleries that support previewing.
Setting this property to True shows a preview of your workbook before applying the command. Since MS Excel 2007.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetEnableMacroAnimations | ( | ) |
Controls whether macro animations are enabled.
Excel VBA documentation for Application.EnableMacroAnimations
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetEnableMacroAnimations | ( | bool | enableMacroAnimations | ) |
Controls whether macro animations are enabled.
Excel VBA documentation for Application.EnableMacroAnimations
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetEnableSound | ( | ) |
True if sound is enabled for Microsoft Office.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetEnableSound | ( | bool | enableSound | ) |
True if sound is enabled for Microsoft Office.
wxExcelErrorCheckingOptions wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetErrorCheckingOptions | ( | ) |
Returns an ErrorCheckingOptions object, which represents the error checking options for an application.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetExtendList | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel automatically extends formatting and formulas to new data that is added to a list.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetExtendList | ( | bool | extendList | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel automatically extends formatting and formulas to new data that is added to a list.
MsoFeatureInstall wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetFeatureInstall | ( | ) |
Returns a value (constant) that specifies how Microsoft Excel handles calls to methods and properties that require features that aren't yet installed.
Can be one of the MsoFeatureInstall constants listed in the following table.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetFeatureInstall | ( | MsoFeatureInstall | featureInstall | ) |
Sets a value (constant) that specifies how Microsoft Excel handles calls to methods and properties that require features that aren't yet installed.
Can be one of the MsoFeatureInstall constants listed in the following table.
wxExcelFileExportConverters wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetFileExportConverters | ( | ) |
Returns a FileExportConverters collection that represents all the file converters for saving files available to Microsoft Excel.
MsoFileValidationMode wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetFileValidation | ( | ) |
Returns how Excel will validate files before opening them.
Since Excel 2010.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetFileValidation | ( | MsoFileValidationMode | fileValidation | ) |
Sets how Excel will validate files before opening them.
Since Excel 2010.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetFixedDecimal | ( | ) |
All data entered after this property is set to True will be formatted with the number of fixed decimal places set by the FixedDecimalPlaces property.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetFixedDecimal | ( | bool | fixedDecimal | ) |
All data entered after this property is set to True will be formatted with the number of fixed decimal places set by the FixedDecimalPlaces property.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetFixedDecimalPlaces | ( | ) |
Returns the number of fixed decimal places used when the FixedDecimal property is set to True.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetFixedDecimalPlaces | ( | long | fixedDecimalPlaces | ) |
Sets the number of fixed decimal places used when the FixedDecimal property is set to True.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetFlashFill | ( | ) |
Controls whether Flash Fill feature has been enabled and active.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetFlashFill | ( | bool | flashFill | ) |
Controls whether Flash Fill feature has been enabled and active.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetFlashFillMode | ( | ) |
Controls whether Flash Fill feature is enabled.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetFlashFillMode | ( | bool | flashFillMode | ) |
Controls whether Flash Fill feature is enabled.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetFormulaBarHeight | ( | ) |
Allows the user to specify the height of the formula bar in lines.
Since MS Excel 2007.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetFormulaBarHeight | ( | long | formulaBarHeight | ) |
Allows the user to specify the height of the formula bar in lines.
Since MS Excel 2007.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetGenerateGetPivotData | ( | ) |
Returns True when Microsoft Excel can get PivotTable report data.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetGenerateGetPivotData | ( | bool | generateGetPivotData | ) |
Returns True when Microsoft Excel can get PivotTable report data.
XlGenerateTableRefs wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetGenerateTableRefs | ( | ) |
The GenerateTableRefs property determines whether the traditional notation method or the new structured referencing notation method is used for referencing tables in formulas.
Since MS Excel 2007.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetGenerateTableRefs | ( | XlGenerateTableRefs | generateTableRefs | ) |
The GenerateTableRefs property determines whether the traditional notation method or the new structured referencing notation method is used for referencing tables in formulas.
Since MS Excel 2007.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetHeight | ( | ) |
Returns a Double value that represents the height in points of the main application window.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetHeight | ( | double | height | ) |
Sets a Double value that represents the height in points of the main application window.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetHighQualityModeForGraphics | ( | ) |
Returns whether Excel uses high quality mode to print graphics.
MSDN documentation for Application.HighQualityModeForGraphics.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetHighQualityModeForGraphics | ( | bool | highQualityModeForGraphics | ) |
Sets whether Excel uses high quality mode to print graphics.
MSDN documentation for Application.HighQualityModeForGraphics.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetHinstance | ( | ) |
Returns the instance Microsoft Excel application.
wxAEHinstPtr wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetHinstancePtr | ( | ) |
Returns the instance Microsoft Excel application.
Since Excel 2010.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetHwnd | ( | ) |
Returns a Long indicating the top-level window handle of the Microsoft Excel window.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetIgnoreRemoteRequests | ( | ) |
True if remote DDE requests are ignored.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetIgnoreRemoteRequests | ( | bool | ignoreRemoteRequests | ) |
True if remote DDE requests are ignored.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetInteractive | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel is in interactive mode.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetInteractive | ( | bool | interactive | ) |
True to set Microsoft Excel into interactive mode.
wxVariant wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetInternational | ( | XlApplicationInternational * | index = NULL | ) |
Returns information about the current country/region and international settings.
When called without a parameter, all the values are returned as a list.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetIteration | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel will use iteration to resolve circular references.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetIteration | ( | bool | iteration | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel will use iteration to resolve circular references.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetIsSandboxed | ( | ) |
Returns true if the specified workbook is open in a Protected View window.
Since Excel 2010.
wxExcelLanguageSettings wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetLanguageSettings | ( | ) |
Returns the LanguageSettings object, which contains information about the language settings in Microsoft Excel.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetLargeOperationCellThousandCount | ( | ) |
Returns the maximum number of cells needed in an operation beyond which an alert is triggered.
Since MS Excel 2007.
MSDN documentation for Application.LargeOperationCellThousandCount.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetLargeOperationCellThousandCount | ( | long | largeOperationCellThousandCount | ) |
Sets the maximum number of cells needed in an operation beyond which an alert is triggered.
Since MS Excel 2007.
MSDN documentation for Application.LargeOperationCellThousandCount.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetLeft | ( | ) |
The distance, in points, from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the main Microsoft Excel window.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetLeft | ( | double | left | ) |
The distance, in points, from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the main Microsoft Excel window.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetLibraryPath | ( | ) |
Returns the path to the Library folder, but without the final separator.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMailSession | ( | ) |
Returns the MAPI mail session number as a hexadecimal string (if there's an active session), or an empty string if there's no session.
XlMailSystem wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMailSystem | ( | ) |
Returns the mail system that's installed on the host machine.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMapPaperSize | ( | ) |
True if documents formatted for the standard paper size of another country/region (for example, A4) are automatically adjusted so that they're printed correctly on the standard paper size (for example, Letter) of your country/region.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetMapPaperSize | ( | bool | mapPaperSize | ) |
True if documents formatted for the standard paper size of another country/region (for example, A4) are automatically adjusted so that they're printed correctly on the standard paper size (for example, Letter) of your country/region.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMathCoprocessorAvailable | ( | ) |
True if a math coprocessor is available.
MSDN documentation for Application.MathCoprocessorAvailable.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMaxChange | ( | ) |
Returns the maximum amount of change between each iteration as Microsoft Excel resolves circular references.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetMaxChange | ( | double | maxChange | ) |
Sets the maximum amount of change between each iteration as Microsoft Excel resolves circular references.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMaxIterations | ( | ) |
Returns the maximum number of iterations that Microsoft Excel can use to resolve a circular reference.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetMaxIterations | ( | long | iterations | ) |
Sets the maximum number of iterations that Microsoft Excel can use to resolve a circular reference.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMergeInstances | ( | ) |
Controls whether to merge multiple instances of the application into a single one.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetMergeInstances | ( | bool | mergeInstances | ) |
Controls whether to merge multiple instances of the application into a single one.
XlMeasurementUnits wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMeasurementUnit | ( | ) |
Specifies the measurement unit used in the application.
Since MS Excel 2007.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetMeasurementUnit | ( | XlMeasurementUnits | measurementUnit | ) |
Specifies the measurement unit used in the application.
Since MS Excel 2007.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMouseAvailable | ( | ) |
True if a mouse is available.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMoveAfterReturn | ( | ) |
True if the active cell will be moved as soon as the ENTER (RETURN) key is pressed.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetMoveAfterReturn | ( | bool | moveAfterReturn | ) |
True if the active cell will be moved as soon as the ENTER (RETURN) key is pressed.
XlDirection wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMoveAfterReturnDirection | ( | ) |
Returns the direction in which the active cell is moved when the user presses ENTER.
MSDN documentation for Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetMoveAfterReturnDirection | ( | XlDirection | moveAfterReturnDirection | ) |
Sets the direction in which the active cell is moved when the user presses ENTER.
MSDN documentation for Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection.
wxExcelMultiThreadedCalculation wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetMultiThreadedCalculation | ( | ) |
Returns a MultiThreadedCalculation object that controls the multi-threaded recalculation settings.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetName | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the object.
wxExcelNames wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetNames | ( | ) |
Returns a Names collection that represents all the names in the active workbook.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetNetworkTemplatesPath | ( | ) |
Returns the network path where templates are stored.
If the network path doesn't exist, this property returns an empty string.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetODBCTimeout | ( | ) |
Returns the ODBC query time limit, in seconds.
The default value is 45 seconds.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetODBCTimeout | ( | long | oDBCTimeout | ) |
Sets the ODBC query time limit, in seconds.
The default value is 45 seconds.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetOperatingSystem | ( | ) |
Returns the name and version number of the current operating system - for example, "Windows (32-bit) 4.00" or "Macintosh 7.00".
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetOrganizationName | ( | ) |
Returns the registered organization name.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetPath | ( | ) |
Returns a String value that represents the complete path to the application, excluding the final separator and name of the application.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetPathSeparator | ( | ) |
Returns the path separator character ("\").
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetPivotTableSelection | ( | ) |
True if PivotTable reports use structured selection.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetPivotTableSelection | ( | bool | pivotTableSelection | ) |
True if PivotTable reports use structured selection.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetPrintCommunication | ( | ) |
Specifies whether communication with the printer is turned on.
Since Excel 2010.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetPrintCommunication | ( | bool | printCommunication | ) |
Specifies whether communication with the printer is turned on.
Since Excel 2010.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetProductCode | ( | ) |
Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for Microsoft Excel.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetPromptForSummaryInfo | ( | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel asks for summary information when files are first saved.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetPromptForSummaryInfo | ( | bool | promptForSummaryInfo | ) |
True if Microsoft Excel asks for summary information when files are first saved.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetReady | ( | ) |
Returns True when the Microsoft Excel application is ready.
wxExcelRecentFiles wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetRecentFiles | ( | ) |
Returns a RecentFiles collection that represents the list of recently used files.
XlReferenceStyle wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetReferenceStyle | ( | ) |
Returns how Microsoft Excel displays cell references and row and column headings in either A1 or R1C1 reference style.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetReferenceStyle | ( | XlReferenceStyle | referenceStyle | ) |
Sets how Microsoft Excel displays cell references and row and column headings in either A1 or R1C1 reference style.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetRollZoom | ( | ) |
True if the IntelliMouse zooms instead of scrolling.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetRollZoom | ( | bool | rollZoom | ) |
True if the IntelliMouse zooms instead of scrolling.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetScreenUpdating | ( | ) |
True if screen updating is turned on.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetScreenUpdating | ( | bool | screenUpdating | ) |
True if screen updating is turned on.
wxExcelSheets wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetSheets | ( | ) |
Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the sheets in the active workbook.
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetSheetsInNewWorkbook | ( | ) |
Returns the number of sheets that Microsoft Excel automatically inserts into new workbooks.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetSheetsInNewWorkbook | ( | long | sheetsInNewWorkbook | ) |
Sets the number of sheets that Microsoft Excel automatically inserts into new workbooks.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetShowDevTools | ( | ) |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether the Developer tab is displayed in the Ribbon.
MSDN documentation for Application.ShowDevTools. Since MS Excel 2007.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetShowDevTools | ( | bool | showDevTools | ) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether the Developer tab is displayed in the Ribbon.
Since MS Excel 2007.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetShowMenuFloaties | ( | ) |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether to display Mini toolbars when the user right-clicks in the workbook window.
Since MS Excel 2007.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetShowMenuFloaties | ( | bool | showMenuFloaties | ) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether to display Mini toolbars when the user right-clicks in the workbook window.
Since MS Excel 2007.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetShowQuickAnalysis | ( | ) |
Controls whether the Quick Analysis contextual user interface is displayed on selection.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetShowQuickAnalysis | ( | bool | showQuickAnalysis | ) |
Controls whether the Quick Analysis contextual user interface is displayed on selection.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetShowSelectionFloaties | ( | ) |
Returns a Boolean that represents whether Mini toolbars displays when a user selects text.
Since MS Excel 2007.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetShowSelectionFloaties | ( | bool | showSelectionFloaties | ) |
Sets a Boolean that represents whether Mini toolbars displays when a user selects text.
Since MS Excel 2007.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetShowStartupDialog | ( | ) |
Returns True (default is False) when the New Workbook task pane appears for a Microsoft Excel application.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetShowStartupDialog | ( | bool | showStartupDialog | ) |
Returns True (default is False) when the New Workbook task pane appears for a Microsoft Excel application.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetShowToolTips | ( | ) |
True if ToolTips are turned on.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetShowToolTips | ( | bool | showToolTips | ) |
True if ToolTips are turned on.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetShowWindowsInTaskbar | ( | ) |
True if there's a separate Windows taskbar button for each open workbook.
The default value is True.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetShowWindowsInTaskbar | ( | bool | showWindowsInTaskbar | ) |
True if there's a separate Windows taskbar button for each open workbook.
The default value is True.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetStandardFont | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the standard font.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetStandardFont | ( | const wxString & | standardFont | ) |
Sets the name of the standard font.
The change doesn't take effect until you restart Microsoft Excel.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetStandardFontSize | ( | ) |
Returns the standard font size, in points.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetStandardFontSize | ( | double | standardFontSize | ) |
Sets the standard font size, in points.
The change doesn't take effect until you restart Microsoft Excel.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetStartupPath | ( | ) |
Returns the complete path of the startup folder, excluding the final separator.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetStatusBar | ( | ) |
Returns the text in the status bar.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetStatusBar | ( | const wxString & | statusBar | ) |
Sets the text in the status bar.
The second version restores the default status bar text.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetTemplatesPath | ( | ) |
Returns the local path where templates are stored.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetThousandsSeparator | ( | ) |
Returns the character used for the thousands separator as a String.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetThousandsSeparator | ( | const wxString & | thousandsSeparator | ) |
Sets the character used for the thousands separator as a String.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetTop | ( | ) |
Returns a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the main Microsoft Excel window.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetTop | ( | double | top | ) |
Sets a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the main Microsoft Excel window.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetTransitionMenuKey | ( | ) |
Returns the Microsoft Excel menu or help key, which is usually "/".
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetTransitionMenuKey | ( | const wxString & | transitionMenuKey | ) |
Sets the Microsoft Excel menu or help key, which is usually "/".
long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetTransitionMenuKeyAction | ( | ) |
Returns the action taken when the Microsoft Excel menu key is pressed.
Can be either xlExcelMenus or xlLotusHelp.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetTransitionMenuKeyAction | ( | long | transitionMenuKeyAction | ) |
Sets the action taken when the Microsoft Excel menu key is pressed.
Can be either xlExcelMenus or xlLotusHelp.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetTransitionNavigKeys | ( | ) |
True if transition navigation keys are active.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetTransitionNavigKeys | ( | bool | transitionNavigKeys | ) |
True if transition navigation keys are active.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetUsableHeight | ( | ) |
Returns the maximum height of the space that a window can occupy in the application window area, in points.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetUsableWidth | ( | ) |
Returns the maximum width of the space that a window can occupy in the application window area, in points.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetUserControl | ( | ) |
True if the application is visible or if it was created or started by the user.
False if you created or started the application programmatically by using the CreateObject or GetObject functions, and the application is hidden.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetUserControl | ( | bool | userControl | ) |
True if the application is visible or if it was created or started by the user.
False if you created or started the application programmatically by using the CreateObject or GetObject functions, and the application is hidden.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetUserLibraryPath | ( | ) |
Returns the path to the location on the user's computer where the COM add-ins are installed.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetUsername | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the current user.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetUsername | ( | const wxString & | userName | ) |
Sets the name of the current user.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetUseSystemSeparators | ( | ) |
True (default) if the system separators of Microsoft Excel are enabled.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetUseSystemSeparators | ( | bool | useSystemSeparators | ) |
True (default) if the system separators of Microsoft Excel are enabled.
wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetVersion | ( | ) |
Returns a String value that represents the Microsoft Excel version number.
Version numbers are as follows: Excel 97 = 8 Excel 2000 = 9 Excel 2002 = 10 Excel 2003 = 11 Excel 2007 = 12 Excel 2010 = 14 Excel 2013 = 15 Excel 2016 = 16
MSDN documentation for Application.Version.
See also GetVersionAsDouble_(), GetVersionAsEnum_(), and IsVersionAtLeast_() methods.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetVisible | ( | ) |
Returns a Boolean value that determines whether the object is visible.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetVisible | ( | bool | visible | ) |
Sets a Boolean value that determines whether the object is visible.
double wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetWidth | ( | ) |
Returns a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the left edge of the application window to its right edge.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetWidth | ( | double | width | ) |
Sets a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the left edge of the application window to its right edge.
wxExcelWindows wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetWindows | ( | ) |
Returns a Windows collection that represents all the windows in all the workbooks.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetWindowsForPens | ( | ) |
True if the computer is running under Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing.
XlWindowState wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetWindowState | ( | ) |
Returns the state of the window.
void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::SetWindowState | ( | XlWindowState | windowState | ) |
Sets the state of the window.
wxExcelWorkbooks wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetWorkbooks | ( | ) |
Returns a Workbooks collection that represents all the open workbooks.
wxExcelWorksheets wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetWorksheets | ( | ) |
For an Application object, returns a Sheets collection that represents all the worksheets in the active workbook.
For a Workbook object, returns a Sheets collection that represents all the worksheets in the specified workbook.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetVersionAsDouble_ | ( | double & | version | ) |
Returns MS Excel version as a double matching Application.Version.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::GetVersionAsEnum_ | ( | ExcelForWindowsVersions & | version | ) |
Returns MS Excel version as an ExcelForWindowsVersions enum value.
bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication::IsVersionAtLeast_ | ( | ExcelForWindowsVersions | version | ) |
Returns true if the instance is version or newer.
inlinevirtual |
Returns "Application".
Reimplemented from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelRangeOwner.