wxAutoExcel 2.0.0
No Matches
wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart Class Reference

Represents Microsoft Excel Chart object. More...

#include <wxAutoExcelChart.h>

Inheritance diagram for wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart:

Public Member Functions

void Activate ()
 Makes the current chart the active chart.
void ApplyChartTemplate (const wxString &fileName)
 Applies a standard or custom chart type to a chart.
void ApplyDataLabels (XlDataLabelsType *type=NULL, wxXlTribool legendKey=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool autoText=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool hasLeaderLines=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool showSeriesName=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool showCategoryName=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool showValue=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool showPercentage=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool showBubbleSize=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &separator=wxEmptyString)
 Applies data labels to all the series in a chart.
void ApplyLayout (long layout, XlChartType *chartType=NULL)
 Applies the layouts shown in the ribbon.
wxExcelAxes Axes ()
 Returns an object that represents either a single axis or a collection of the axes on the chart.
wxExcelChartGroups ChartGroups ()
 Returns an object that represents either a single chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of all the chart groups in the chart (a ChartGroups object).
wxExcelChartObjects ChartObjects ()
 Returns an object that represents either a single embedded chart (a ChartObject object) or a collection of all the embedded charts (a ChartObjects object) on the sheet.
void ChartWizard (wxExcelRange *source=NULL, XlChartType *gallery=NULL, long *format=NULL, XlRowCol *plotBy=NULL, long *categoryLabels=NULL, long *seriesLabels=NULL, wxXlTribool hasLegend=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &title=wxEmptyString, const wxString &categoryTitle=wxEmptyString, const wxString &valueTitle=wxEmptyString, const wxString &extraTitle=wxEmptyString)
 Modifies the properties of the given chart.
void CheckSpelling (const wxString &customDictionary=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool ignoreUpperCase=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool alwaysSuggest=wxDefaultXlTribool, MsoLanguageID *spellLang=NULL)
 Checks the spelling of an object.
void ClearToMatchColorStyle ()
 lears all colors on the specified chart that do not follow the color style applied to the chart.
void ClearToMatchStyle ()
 Clears the chart elements formatting to automatic.
void CopyPicture (XlPictureAppearance *appearance, XlCopyPictureFormat *format)
 Copies the selected object to the Clipboard as a picture.
void Delete ()
 Deletes the object.
void Deselect ()
 Cancels the selection for the specified chart.
bool Export (const wxString &fileName, const wxString &filterName=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool interactive=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Exports the chart in a graphic format.
wxExcelSeriesCollection FullSeriesCollection ()
 Returns an object that represents either a single series (a Series object) or a collection of all the series (a SeriesCollection collection) in the chart or chart group.
wxExcelChart Location (XlChartLocation where, const wxString &name=wxEmptyString)
 Moves the chart to a new location.
bool Move ()
 Moves the chart to the new workbook.
bool MoveAfterOrBefore (wxExcelSheet sheetAfterOrBefore, bool after)
 Moves the chart within the same workbook, after or before the specified sheet.
wxExcelOLEObjects OLEObjects ()
 Returns an object that represents either a single OLE object (an OLEObject ) or a collection of all OLE objects (an OLEObjects collection) on the chart or sheet.
void Paste (XlPasteType *type=NULL)
 Pastes chart data from the Clipboard into the specified chart.
bool PrintOut (long *from=NULL, long *to=NULL, long *copies=NULL, wxXlTribool preview=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &activePrinter=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool printToFile=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool collate=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &prToFileName=wxEmptyString)
 Prints the object.
bool PrintPreview (wxXlTribool enableChanges=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Shows a preview of the object as it would look when printed.
void Protect (const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool shapes=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool contents=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool userInterfaceOnly=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Protects a chart so that it cannot be modified.
void Refresh ()
 Causes the specified chart to be redrawn immediately.
void SaveAs (const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, XlFileFormat *fileFormat=NULL, const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, const wxString &writeResPassword=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool readOnlyRecommended=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool createBackup=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool addToMru=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool local=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Saves changes to the chart in a different file.
void SaveChartTemplate (const wxString &fileName)
 Saves a custom chart template to the list of available chart templates.
void Select (wxXlTribool replace=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Selects the object.
wxExcelSeriesCollection SeriesCollection ()
 Returns an object that represents either a single series (a Series object) or a collection of all the series (a SeriesCollection collection) in the chart or chart group.
void SetBackgroundPicture (const wxString &fileName)
 Sets the background graphic for a chart.
void SetDefaultChart (const wxString &name=wxEmptyString)
 Specifies the name of the chart template that Microsoft Excel uses when creating new charts.
void SetElement (MsoChartElementType element)
 Sets chart elements on a chart.
void SetSourceData (wxExcelRange source, XlRowCol *plotBy=NULL)
 Sets the source data range for the chart.
void Unprotect (const wxString &password=wxEmptyString)
 Removes protection from a sheet or workbook.
bool GetAutoScaling ()
 True if Microsoft Excel scales a 3-D chart so that it's closer in size to the equivalent 2-D chart.
void SetAutoScaling (bool autoScaling)
 True if Microsoft Excel scales a 3-D chart so that it's closer in size to the equivalent 2-D chart.
wxExcelWalls GetBackWall ()
 Returns a Walls object that allows the user to individually format the back wall of a 3-D chart.
XlBarShape GetBarShape ()
 Returns the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
void SetBarShape (XlBarShape barShape)
 Sets the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
long GetCategoryLabelLevel ()
 Returns a XlCategoryLabelLevel Enumeration (Excel) constant referring to the level of where the category labels are being sourced from.
void SetCategoryLabelLevel (long level)
 Sets a XlCategoryLabelLevel Enumeration (Excel) constant referring to the level of where the category labels are being sourced from.
wxExcelChartArea GetChartArea ()
 Returns a ChartArea object that represents the complete chart area for the chart.
long GetChartColor ()
 Returns an Integer that represents the color scheme for the chart.
void SetChartColor (long color)
 Sets an Integer that represents the color scheme for the chart.
long GetChartStyle ()
 Returns the chart style for the chart.
void SetChartStyle (long chartStyle)
 Sets the chart style for the chart.
wxExcelChartTitle GetChartTitle ()
 Returns a ChartTitle object that represents the title of the specified chart.
XlChartType GetChartType ()
 Returns the chart type.
void SetChartType (XlChartType chartType)
 Sets the chart type.
wxString GetCodeName ()
 Returns the code name for the object.
long GetCreator ()
 Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created.
wxExcelDataTable GetDataTable ()
 Returns a DataTable object that represents the chart data table.
long GetDepthPercent ()
 Returns the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent).
void SetDepthPercent (long depthPercent)
 Sets the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent).
XlDisplayBlanksAs GetDisplayBlanksAs ()
 Returns the way that blank cells are plotted on a chart.
void SetDisplayBlanksAs (XlDisplayBlanksAs displayBlanksAs)
 Sets the way that blank cells are plotted on a chart.
long GetElevation ()
 Returns the elevation of the 3-D chart view, in degrees.
void SetElevation (long elevation)
 Sets the elevation of the 3-D chart view, in degrees.
wxExcelFloor GetFloor ()
 Returns a Floor object that represents the floor of the 3-D chart.
long GetGapDepth ()
 Returns the distance between the data series in a 3-D chart, as a percentage of the marker width.
void SetGapDepth (long gapDepth)
 Sets the distance between the data series in a 3-D chart, as a percentage of the marker width.
bool GetHasAxis (XlAxisType index1, XlAxisGroup *index2=NULL)
 Returns which axes exist on the chart.
void SetHasAxis (bool hasAxis, XlAxisType index1, XlAxisGroup *index2=NULL)
 Sets which axes exist on the chart.
bool GetHasDataTable ()
 True if the chart has a data table.
void SetHasDataTable (bool hasDataTable)
 True if the chart has a data table.
bool GetHasLegend ()
 True if the chart has a legend.
void SetHasLegend (bool hasLegend)
 True if the chart has a legend.
bool GetHasTitle ()
 True if the axis or chart has a visible title.
void SetHasTitle (bool hasTitle)
 True if the axis or chart has a visible title.
long GetHeightPercent ()
 Returns the height of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 1 and 10000 percent).
void SetHeightPercent (long heightPercent)
 Sets the height of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 1 and 10000 percent).
wxExcelHyperlinks GetHyperlinks ()
 Returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents the hyperlinks for the chart.
long GetIndex ()
 Returns a Long value that represents the index number of the object within the collection of similar objects.
wxExcelLegend GetLegend ()
 Returns a Legend object that represents the legend for the chart.
wxString GetName ()
 Returns a String value representing the name of the object.
void SetName (const wxString &name)
 Sets a String value representing the name of the object.
wxExcelWorksheet GetNext ()
 Returns a Worksheet object that represents the next sheet.
wxExcelPageSetup GetPageSetup ()
 Returns a PageSetup object that contains all the page setup settings for the specified object.
long GetPerspective ()
 Returns a Long value that represents the perspective for the 3-D chart view.
void SetPerspective (long perspective)
 Sets a Long value that represents the perspective for the 3-D chart view.
wxExcelPlotArea GetPlotArea ()
 Returns a PlotArea object that represents the plot area of a chart.
XlRowCol GetPlotBy ()
 Returns the way columns or rows are used as data series on the chart.
void SetPlotBy (XlRowCol plotBy)
 Sets the way columns or rows are used as data series on the chart.
bool GetPlotVisibleOnly ()
 True if only visible cells are plotted.
void SetPlotVisibleOnly (bool plotVisibleOnly)
 True if only visible cells are plotted.
wxExcelWorksheet GetPrevious ()
 Returns a Worksheet object that represents the next sheet.
bool GetProtectContents ()
 True if the contents of the sheet are protected.
bool GetProtectData ()
 True if series formulas cannot be modified by the user.
void SetProtectData (bool protectData)
 True if series formulas cannot be modified by the user.
bool GetProtectDrawingObjects ()
 True if shapes are protected.
bool GetProtectFormatting ()
 True if chart formatting cannot be modified by the user.
void SetProtectFormatting (bool protectFormatting)
 True if chart formatting cannot be modified by the user.
bool GetProtectionMode ()
 True if user-interface-only protection is turned on.
bool GetProtectSelection ()
 True if chart elements cannot be selected.
void SetProtectSelection (bool protectSelection)
 True if chart elements cannot be selected.
bool GetRightAngleAxes ()
 True if the chart axes are at right angles, independent of chart rotation or elevation.
void SetRightAngleAxes (bool rightAngleAxes)
 True if the chart axes are at right angles, independent of chart rotation or elevation.
long GetRotation ()
 Returns the rotation of the 3-D chart view (the rotation of the plot area around the z-axis, in degrees).
void SetRotation (long rotation)
 Sets the rotation of the 3-D chart view (the rotation of the plot area around the z-axis, in degrees).
long GetSeriesNameLevel ()
 Returns a XlSeriesNameLevel Enumeration (Excel) constant referring to the level of where the series names are being sourced from.
void SetSeriesNameLevel (long level)
 Sets a XlSeriesNameLevel Enumeration (Excel) constant referring to the level of where the series names are being sourced from.
wxExcelShapes GetShapes ()
 Returns a Shapes collection that represents all the shapes on the chart sheet.
bool GetShowDataLabelsOverMaximum ()
 Returns whether to show the data labels when the value is greater than the maximum value on the value axis.
void SetShowDataLabelsOverMaximum (bool showDataLabelsOverMaximum)
 Sets whether to show the data labels when the value is greater than the maximum value on the value axis.
wxExcelWalls GetSideWall ()
 Returns a Walls object that allows the user to individually format the side wall of a 3-D chart.
wxExcelTab GetTab ()
 Returns a Tab object for a chart.
XlSheetVisibility GetVisible ()
 Returns an XlSheetVisibility value that determines whether the object is visible.
void SetVisible (XlSheetVisibility visible)
 Sets an XlSheetVisibility value that determines whether the object is visible.
wxExcelWalls GetWalls ()
 Returns a Walls object that represents the walls of the 3-D chart.
virtual wxString GetAutoExcelObjectName_ () const
 Returns "Chart".
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
bool IsOk_ () const
 Returns true if the object has a valid dispatch.
wxString GetAutomationObjectName_ (bool stripUnderscores=false) const
 Returns object name as provided by IDispatch->GetTypeInfo()->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &name, NULL, NULL, NULL).
wxSharedPtr< wxAutomationObject > GetAutomationObject_ ()
 Returns the underlying wxAutomationObject.
 operator bool () const
 Returns true if the object has a valid dispatch and its last automation call (if any), i.e.
WXLCID GetAutomationLCID_ () const
 Returns the locale identifier used in automation calls.
bool SetAutomationLCID_ (WXLCID lcid)
 Sets the locale identifier to be used in automation calls.
bool GetPropertyAndMethodNames_ (wxArrayString &propertyNames, wxArrayString &methodNames, bool includeHidden=false)
 Returns lists of property and method names the automation interface exposes.
bool GetUnimplementedObject_ (const wxString &name, wxAutomationObject &object)
 Helper function for receiving an automation object not implemented in wxAutoExcel, see FAQ on how to use.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
enum  ErrorFlags {
  Err_DoNothing = 0 , Err_LogOnInvalidDispatch = 1 , Err_AssertOnInvalidDispatch = 1 << 1 , Err_ThrowOnInvalidDispatch = 1 << 2 ,
  Err_LogOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 3 , Err_AssertOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 4 , Err_ThrowOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 5 , Err_LogOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 6 ,
  Err_AssertOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 7 , Err_ThrowOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 8 , Err_LogOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 9 , Err_AssertOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 10 ,
  Err_ThrowOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 11 , Err_LogOnOtherError = 1 << 12 , Err_AssertOnOtherError = 1 << 13 , Err_ThrowOnOtherError = 1 << 14
 Flags affecting the behaviour of wxExcelObject and its descendants when an error occurs during accessing an Excel object property or calling its method. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
static unsigned GetErrorMode_ ()
 Sets the error mode to the combination of wxExcelObject::ErrorFlags.
static void SetErrorMode_ (unsigned mode)
 Sets the error mode as the combination of wxExcelObject::ErrorFlags.
static bool GetUnimplementedCollectionItem_ (wxAutomationObject &collection, const long index, wxAutomationObject &item, bool asProperty)
 Helper function for obtaining an item from MS Excel collection not implemented in wxAutoExcel, see FAQ on how to use.

Detailed Description

Represents Microsoft Excel Chart object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Activate()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Activate ( )

Makes the current chart the active chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Activate.

◆ ApplyChartTemplate()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::ApplyChartTemplate ( const wxString &  fileName)

Applies a standard or custom chart type to a chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ApplyChartTemplate.

◆ ApplyDataLabels()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::ApplyDataLabels ( XlDataLabelsType type = NULL,
wxXlTribool  legendKey = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  autoText = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  hasLeaderLines = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  showSeriesName = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  showCategoryName = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  showValue = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  showPercentage = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  showBubbleSize = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  separator = wxEmptyString 

Applies data labels to all the series in a chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ApplyDataLabels.

◆ ApplyLayout()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::ApplyLayout ( long  layout,
XlChartType chartType = NULL 

Applies the layouts shown in the ribbon.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ApplyLayout.

◆ Axes()

wxExcelAxes wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Axes ( )

Returns an object that represents either a single axis or a collection of the axes on the chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Axes.

◆ ChartGroups()

wxExcelChartGroups wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::ChartGroups ( )

Returns an object that represents either a single chart group (a ChartGroup object) or a collection of all the chart groups in the chart (a ChartGroups object).

The returned collection includes every type of group.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartGroups.

◆ ChartObjects()

wxExcelChartObjects wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::ChartObjects ( )

Returns an object that represents either a single embedded chart (a ChartObject object) or a collection of all the embedded charts (a ChartObjects object) on the sheet.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartObjects.

◆ ChartWizard()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::ChartWizard ( wxExcelRange source = NULL,
XlChartType gallery = NULL,
long *  format = NULL,
XlRowCol plotBy = NULL,
long *  categoryLabels = NULL,
long *  seriesLabels = NULL,
wxXlTribool  hasLegend = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  title = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  categoryTitle = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  valueTitle = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  extraTitle = wxEmptyString 

Modifies the properties of the given chart.

You can use this method to quickly format a chart without setting all the individual properties. This method is noninteractive, and it changes only the specified properties.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartWizard.

◆ CheckSpelling()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::CheckSpelling ( const wxString &  customDictionary = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  ignoreUpperCase = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  alwaysSuggest = wxDefaultXlTribool,
MsoLanguageID spellLang = NULL 

Checks the spelling of an object.

MSDN documentation for Chart.CheckSpelling.

◆ ClearToMatchColorStyle()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::ClearToMatchColorStyle ( )

lears all colors on the specified chart that do not follow the color style applied to the chart.

[MSDN documentation for Chart.ClearToMatchColorStyle](https://msdn.microsoft.com/vba/excel-vba/articles/chart-cleartomatchcolorstyle-method-excel.

◆ ClearToMatchStyle()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::ClearToMatchStyle ( )

Clears the chart elements formatting to automatic.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ClearToMatchStyle.

◆ CopyPicture()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::CopyPicture ( XlPictureAppearance appearance,
XlCopyPictureFormat format 

Copies the selected object to the Clipboard as a picture.

MSDN documentation for Chart.CopyPicture.

◆ Delete()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Delete ( )

◆ Deselect()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Deselect ( )

Cancels the selection for the specified chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Delete.

◆ Export()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Export ( const wxString &  fileName,
const wxString &  filterName = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  interactive = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Exports the chart in a graphic format.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Export.

◆ FullSeriesCollection()

wxExcelSeriesCollection wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::FullSeriesCollection ( )

Returns an object that represents either a single series (a Series object) or a collection of all the series (a SeriesCollection collection) in the chart or chart group.

MSDN documentation for Chart.FullSeriesCollection.

◆ Location()

wxExcelChart wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Location ( XlChartLocation  where,
const wxString &  name = wxEmptyString 

Moves the chart to a new location.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Location.

◆ Move()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Move ( )

Moves the chart to the new workbook.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Move.

◆ MoveAfterOrBefore()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::MoveAfterOrBefore ( wxExcelSheet  sheetAfterOrBefore,
bool  after 

Moves the chart within the same workbook, after or before the specified sheet.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Move.

◆ OLEObjects()

wxExcelOLEObjects wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::OLEObjects ( )

Returns an object that represents either a single OLE object (an OLEObject ) or a collection of all OLE objects (an OLEObjects collection) on the chart or sheet.


MSDN documentation for Chart.OLEObjects.

◆ Paste()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Paste ( XlPasteType type = NULL)

Pastes chart data from the Clipboard into the specified chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Paste.

◆ PrintOut()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::PrintOut ( long *  from = NULL,
long *  to = NULL,
long *  copies = NULL,
wxXlTribool  preview = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  activePrinter = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  printToFile = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  collate = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  prToFileName = wxEmptyString 

◆ PrintPreview()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::PrintPreview ( wxXlTribool  enableChanges = wxDefaultXlTribool)

Shows a preview of the object as it would look when printed.

MSDN documentation for Chart.PrintPreview.

◆ Protect()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Protect ( const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  shapes = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  contents = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  userInterfaceOnly = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Protects a chart so that it cannot be modified.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Protect.

◆ Refresh()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Refresh ( )

Causes the specified chart to be redrawn immediately.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Refresh.

◆ SaveAs()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SaveAs ( const wxString &  fileName = wxEmptyString,
XlFileFormat fileFormat = NULL,
const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  writeResPassword = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  readOnlyRecommended = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  createBackup = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  addToMru = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  local = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Saves changes to the chart in a different file.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SaveAs.

◆ SaveChartTemplate()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SaveChartTemplate ( const wxString &  fileName)

Saves a custom chart template to the list of available chart templates.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SaveChartTemplate.

◆ Select()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Select ( wxXlTribool  replace = wxDefaultXlTribool)

◆ SeriesCollection()

wxExcelSeriesCollection wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SeriesCollection ( )

Returns an object that represents either a single series (a Series object) or a collection of all the series (a SeriesCollection collection) in the chart or chart group.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SeriesCollection.

◆ SetBackgroundPicture()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetBackgroundPicture ( const wxString &  fileName)

Sets the background graphic for a chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SetBackgroundPicture.

◆ SetDefaultChart()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetDefaultChart ( const wxString &  name = wxEmptyString)

Specifies the name of the chart template that Microsoft Excel uses when creating new charts.

If name is an empty string, xlBuiltIn will be used.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SetDefaultChart.

◆ SetElement()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetElement ( MsoChartElementType  element)

Sets chart elements on a chart.

Read/write MsoChartElementType.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SetElement.

◆ SetSourceData()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetSourceData ( wxExcelRange  source,
XlRowCol plotBy = NULL 

Sets the source data range for the chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SetSourceData.

◆ Unprotect()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::Unprotect ( const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString)

Removes protection from a sheet or workbook.

This method has no effect if the sheet or workbook isn't protected.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Unprotect.

◆ GetAutoScaling()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetAutoScaling ( )

True if Microsoft Excel scales a 3-D chart so that it's closer in size to the equivalent 2-D chart.

The RightAngleAxes property must be True.

MSDN documentation for Chart.AutoScaling.

◆ SetAutoScaling()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetAutoScaling ( bool  autoScaling)

True if Microsoft Excel scales a 3-D chart so that it's closer in size to the equivalent 2-D chart.

The RightAngleAxes property must be True.

MSDN documentation for Chart.AutoScaling.

◆ GetBackWall()

wxExcelWalls wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetBackWall ( )

Returns a Walls object that allows the user to individually format the back wall of a 3-D chart.

Since Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Chart.BackWall.

◆ GetBarShape()

XlBarShape wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetBarShape ( )

Returns the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.

Read/write XlBarShape.

MSDN documentation for Chart.BarShape.

◆ SetBarShape()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetBarShape ( XlBarShape  barShape)

Sets the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.

Read/write XlBarShape.

MSDN documentation for Chart.BarShape.

◆ GetCategoryLabelLevel()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetCategoryLabelLevel ( )

Returns a XlCategoryLabelLevel Enumeration (Excel) constant referring to the level of where the category labels are being sourced from.

MSDN documentation for Chart.CategoryLabelLevel.

◆ SetCategoryLabelLevel()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetCategoryLabelLevel ( long  level)

Sets a XlCategoryLabelLevel Enumeration (Excel) constant referring to the level of where the category labels are being sourced from.

MSDN documentation for Chart.CategoryLabelLevel.

◆ GetChartArea()

wxExcelChartArea wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetChartArea ( )

Returns a ChartArea object that represents the complete chart area for the chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartArea.

◆ GetChartColor()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetChartColor ( )

Returns an Integer that represents the color scheme for the chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartColor.

◆ SetChartColor()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetChartColor ( long  color)

Sets an Integer that represents the color scheme for the chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartColor.

◆ GetChartStyle()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetChartStyle ( )

Returns the chart style for the chart.

Read/write Variant. Since Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartStyle.

◆ SetChartStyle()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetChartStyle ( long  chartStyle)

Sets the chart style for the chart.

Read/write Variant. Since Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartStyle.

◆ GetChartTitle()

wxExcelChartTitle wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetChartTitle ( )

Returns a ChartTitle object that represents the title of the specified chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartTitle.

◆ GetChartType()

XlChartType wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetChartType ( )

Returns the chart type.

Read/write XlChartType.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartType.

◆ SetChartType()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetChartType ( XlChartType  chartType)

Sets the chart type.

Read/write XlChartType.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ChartType.

◆ GetCodeName()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetCodeName ( )

Returns the code name for the object.

MSDN documentation for Chart.CodeName.

◆ GetCreator()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetCreator ( )

Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Creator.

◆ GetDataTable()

wxExcelDataTable wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetDataTable ( )

Returns a DataTable object that represents the chart data table.

MSDN documentation for Chart.DataTable.

◆ GetDepthPercent()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetDepthPercent ( )

Returns the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent).

MSDN documentation for Chart.DepthPercent.

◆ SetDepthPercent()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetDepthPercent ( long  depthPercent)

Sets the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent).

MSDN documentation for Chart.DepthPercent.

◆ GetDisplayBlanksAs()

XlDisplayBlanksAs wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetDisplayBlanksAs ( )

Returns the way that blank cells are plotted on a chart.

Can be one of the XlDisplayBlanksAs constants.

MSDN documentation for Chart.DisplayBlanksAs.

◆ SetDisplayBlanksAs()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetDisplayBlanksAs ( XlDisplayBlanksAs  displayBlanksAs)

Sets the way that blank cells are plotted on a chart.

Can be one of the XlDisplayBlanksAs constants.

MSDN documentation for Chart.DisplayBlanksAs.

◆ GetElevation()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetElevation ( )

Returns the elevation of the 3-D chart view, in degrees.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Elevation.

◆ SetElevation()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetElevation ( long  elevation)

Sets the elevation of the 3-D chart view, in degrees.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Elevation.

◆ GetFloor()

wxExcelFloor wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetFloor ( )

Returns a Floor object that represents the floor of the 3-D chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Floor.

◆ GetGapDepth()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetGapDepth ( )

Returns the distance between the data series in a 3-D chart, as a percentage of the marker width.

The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.

MSDN documentation for Chart.GapDepth.

◆ SetGapDepth()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetGapDepth ( long  gapDepth)

Sets the distance between the data series in a 3-D chart, as a percentage of the marker width.

The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.

MSDN documentation for Chart.GapDepth.

◆ GetHasAxis()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetHasAxis ( XlAxisType  index1,
XlAxisGroup index2 = NULL 

Returns which axes exist on the chart.

Read/write Variant.

MSDN documentation for Chart.HasAxis.

◆ SetHasAxis()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetHasAxis ( bool  hasAxis,
XlAxisType  index1,
XlAxisGroup index2 = NULL 

Sets which axes exist on the chart.

Read/write Variant.

MSDN documentation for Chart.HasAxis.

◆ GetHasDataTable()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetHasDataTable ( )

True if the chart has a data table.

MSDN documentation for Chart.HasDataTable.

◆ SetHasDataTable()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetHasDataTable ( bool  hasDataTable)

True if the chart has a data table.

MSDN documentation for Chart.HasDataTable.

◆ GetHasLegend()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetHasLegend ( )

True if the chart has a legend.

MSDN documentation for Chart.HasLegend.

◆ SetHasLegend()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetHasLegend ( bool  hasLegend)

True if the chart has a legend.

MSDN documentation for Chart.HasLegend.

◆ GetHasTitle()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetHasTitle ( )

True if the axis or chart has a visible title.

MSDN documentation for Chart.HasTitle.

◆ SetHasTitle()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetHasTitle ( bool  hasTitle)

True if the axis or chart has a visible title.

MSDN documentation for Chart.HasTitle.

◆ GetHeightPercent()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetHeightPercent ( )

Returns the height of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 1 and 10000 percent).

MSDN documentation for Chart.HeightPercent.

◆ SetHeightPercent()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetHeightPercent ( long  heightPercent)

Sets the height of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 1 and 10000 percent).

MSDN documentation for Chart.HeightPercent.

◆ GetHyperlinks()

wxExcelHyperlinks wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetHyperlinks ( )

Returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents the hyperlinks for the chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Hyperlinks.

◆ GetIndex()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetIndex ( )

Returns a Long value that represents the index number of the object within the collection of similar objects.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Index.

◆ GetLegend()

wxExcelLegend wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetLegend ( )

Returns a Legend object that represents the legend for the chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Legend.

◆ GetName()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetName ( )

Returns a String value representing the name of the object.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Name.

◆ SetName()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetName ( const wxString &  name)

Sets a String value representing the name of the object.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Name.

◆ GetNext()

wxExcelWorksheet wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetNext ( )

Returns a Worksheet object that represents the next sheet.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Next.

◆ GetPageSetup()

wxExcelPageSetup wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetPageSetup ( )

Returns a PageSetup object that contains all the page setup settings for the specified object.

MSDN documentation for Chart.PageSetup.

◆ GetPerspective()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetPerspective ( )

Returns a Long value that represents the perspective for the 3-D chart view.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Perspective.

◆ SetPerspective()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetPerspective ( long  perspective)

Sets a Long value that represents the perspective for the 3-D chart view.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Perspective.

◆ GetPlotArea()

wxExcelPlotArea wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetPlotArea ( )

Returns a PlotArea object that represents the plot area of a chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.PlotArea.

◆ GetPlotBy()

XlRowCol wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetPlotBy ( )

Returns the way columns or rows are used as data series on the chart.

Can be one of the following XlRowCol constants: xlColumns or xlRows.

MSDN documentation for Chart.PlotBy.

◆ SetPlotBy()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetPlotBy ( XlRowCol  plotBy)

Sets the way columns or rows are used as data series on the chart.

Can be one of the following XlRowCol constants: xlColumns or xlRows.

MSDN documentation for Chart.PlotBy.

◆ GetPlotVisibleOnly()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetPlotVisibleOnly ( )

True if only visible cells are plotted.

False if both visible and hidden cells are plotted.

MSDN documentation for Chart.PlotVisibleOnly.

◆ SetPlotVisibleOnly()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetPlotVisibleOnly ( bool  plotVisibleOnly)

True if only visible cells are plotted.

False if both visible and hidden cells are plotted.

MSDN documentation for Chart.PlotVisibleOnly.

◆ GetPrevious()

wxExcelWorksheet wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetPrevious ( )

Returns a Worksheet object that represents the next sheet.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Previous.

◆ GetProtectContents()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetProtectContents ( )

True if the contents of the sheet are protected.

For a chart, this protects the entire chart. To turn on content protection, use the Protect method with the Contents argument set to True.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectContents.

◆ GetProtectData()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetProtectData ( )

True if series formulas cannot be modified by the user.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectData.

◆ SetProtectData()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetProtectData ( bool  protectData)

True if series formulas cannot be modified by the user.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectData.

◆ GetProtectDrawingObjects()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetProtectDrawingObjects ( )

True if shapes are protected.

To turn on shape protection, use the Protect method with the DrawingObjects argument set to True.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectDrawingObjects.

◆ GetProtectFormatting()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetProtectFormatting ( )

True if chart formatting cannot be modified by the user.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectFormatting.

◆ SetProtectFormatting()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetProtectFormatting ( bool  protectFormatting)

True if chart formatting cannot be modified by the user.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectFormatting.

◆ GetProtectionMode()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetProtectionMode ( )

True if user-interface-only protection is turned on.

To turn on user interface protection, use the Protect method with the UserInterfaceOnly argument set to True.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectionMode.

◆ GetProtectSelection()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetProtectSelection ( )

True if chart elements cannot be selected.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectSelection.

◆ SetProtectSelection()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetProtectSelection ( bool  protectSelection)

True if chart elements cannot be selected.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ProtectSelection.

◆ GetRightAngleAxes()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetRightAngleAxes ( )

True if the chart axes are at right angles, independent of chart rotation or elevation.

Applies only to 3-D line, column, and bar charts.

MSDN documentation for Chart.RightAngleAxes.

◆ SetRightAngleAxes()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetRightAngleAxes ( bool  rightAngleAxes)

True if the chart axes are at right angles, independent of chart rotation or elevation.

Applies only to 3-D line, column, and bar charts.

MSDN documentation for Chart.RightAngleAxes.

◆ GetRotation()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetRotation ( )

Returns the rotation of the 3-D chart view (the rotation of the plot area around the z-axis, in degrees).

The value of this property must be from 0 to 360, except for 3-D bar charts, where the value must be from 0 to 44. The default value is 20. Applies only to 3-D charts. Read/write Variant.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Rotation.

◆ SetRotation()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetRotation ( long  rotation)

Sets the rotation of the 3-D chart view (the rotation of the plot area around the z-axis, in degrees).

The value of this property must be from 0 to 360, except for 3-D bar charts, where the value must be from 0 to 44. The default value is 20. Applies only to 3-D charts. Read/write Variant.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Rotation.

◆ GetSeriesNameLevel()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetSeriesNameLevel ( )

Returns a XlSeriesNameLevel Enumeration (Excel) constant referring to the level of where the series names are being sourced from.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SeriesNameLevel.

◆ SetSeriesNameLevel()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetSeriesNameLevel ( long  level)

Sets a XlSeriesNameLevel Enumeration (Excel) constant referring to the level of where the series names are being sourced from.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SeriesNameLevel.

◆ GetShapes()

wxExcelShapes wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetShapes ( )

Returns a Shapes collection that represents all the shapes on the chart sheet.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Shapes.

◆ GetShowDataLabelsOverMaximum()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetShowDataLabelsOverMaximum ( )

Returns whether to show the data labels when the value is greater than the maximum value on the value axis.

Since Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum.

◆ SetShowDataLabelsOverMaximum()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetShowDataLabelsOverMaximum ( bool  showDataLabelsOverMaximum)

Sets whether to show the data labels when the value is greater than the maximum value on the value axis.

Since Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Chart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum.

◆ GetSideWall()

wxExcelWalls wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetSideWall ( )

Returns a Walls object that allows the user to individually format the side wall of a 3-D chart.

Since Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Chart.SideWall.

◆ GetTab()

wxExcelTab wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetTab ( )

Returns a Tab object for a chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Tab.

◆ GetVisible()

XlSheetVisibility wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetVisible ( )

Returns an XlSheetVisibility value that determines whether the object is visible.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Visible.

◆ SetVisible()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::SetVisible ( XlSheetVisibility  visible)

Sets an XlSheetVisibility value that determines whether the object is visible.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Visible.

◆ GetWalls()

wxExcelWalls wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetWalls ( )

Returns a Walls object that represents the walls of the 3-D chart.

MSDN documentation for Chart.Walls.

◆ GetAutoExcelObjectName_()

virtual wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart::GetAutoExcelObjectName_ ( ) const

Returns "Chart".

Reimplemented from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject.