wxAutoExcel 2.0.0
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wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook Class Reference

Represents Microsoft Excel Workbook. More...

#include <wxAutoExcelWorkbook.h>

Inheritance diagram for wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook:

Public Member Functions

void AcceptAllChanges (XlHighlightChangesTime *when=NULL, const wxString &who=wxEmptyString, const wxString &where=wxEmptyString)
 Accepts all changes in the specified shared workbook.
bool Activate ()
 Activates the first window associated with the workbook.
void AddToFavorites ()
 Adds a shortcut to the workbook or hyperlink to the Favorites folder.
void ApplyTheme (const wxString &fileName)
 Applies the specified theme to the current workbook.
void BreakLink (const wxString &name, XlLinkType type)
 Converts formulas linked to other Microsoft Excel sources or OLE sources to values.
bool CanCheckIn ()
 True if Microsoft Excel can check in a specified workbook to a server.
void ChangeFileAccess (XlFileAccess mode, const wxString &writePassword, wxXlTribool notify)
 Changes the access permissions for the workbook.
void ChangeLink (const wxString &name, const wxString &newName, XlLinkType *type)
 Changes a link from one document to another.
void CheckIn (wxXlTribool saveChanges=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool comments=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool makePublic=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Returns a workbook from a local computer to a server, and sets the local workbook to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.
void CheckInWithVersion (wxXlTribool saveChanges=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool comments=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool makePublic=wxDefaultXlTribool, XlCheckInVersionType *versionType=NULL)
 Saves a workbook to a server from a local computer, and sets the local workbook to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.
bool Close (wxXlTribool saveChanges=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool routeWorkbook=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Closes the object.
void DeleteNumberFormat (const wxString &numberFormat)
 Deletes a custom number format from the workbook.
void EnableConnections ()
 The EnableConnections method allows developers to programmatically enable data connections within the workbook for the user.
void EndReview ()
 Terminates a review of a file that has been sent for review using the SendForReview method.
bool ExclusiveAccess ()
 Assigns the current user exclusive access to the workbook that's open as a shared list.
void ExportAsFixedFormat (XlFixedFormatType type, const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, XlFixedFormatQuality *quality=NULL, wxXlTribool includeDocProperties=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool ignorePrintAreas=wxDefaultXlTribool, long *from=NULL, long *to=NULL, wxXlTribool openAfterPublish=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 The ExportAsFixedFormat method is used to publish a workbook to either the PDF or XPS format.
void HighlightChangesOptions (XlHighlightChangesTime *when=NULL, const wxString &who=wxEmptyString, const wxString &where=wxEmptyString)
 Controls how changes are shown in a shared workbook.
void LockServerFile ()
 Locks the workbook on the server to prevent modification.
void MergeWorkbook (const wxString &fileName)
 Merges changes from one workbook into an open workbook.
wxExcelWindow NewWindow ()
 Creates a new window or a copy of the specified window.
void Post ()
 Posts the specified workbook to a public folder.
bool PrintOut (long *from=NULL, long *to=NULL, long *copies=NULL, wxXlTribool preview=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &activePrinter=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool printToFile=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool collate=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &prToFileName=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool ignorePrintAreas=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Prints the object.
bool PrintPreview (wxXlTribool enableChanges=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Shows a preview of the object as it would look when printed.
void Protect (const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool structure=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool windows=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Protects a workbook so that it cannot be modified.
void ProtectSharing (const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, const wxString &writeResPassword=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool readOnlyRecommended=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool createBackup=wxDefaultXlTribool, const wxString &sharingPassword=wxEmptyString)
 Saves the workbook and protects it for sharing.
void PurgeChangeHistoryNow (long days, const wxString &sharingPassword=wxEmptyString)
 Removes entries from the change log for the specified workbook.
void RefreshAll ()
 Refreshes all external data ranges and PivotTable reports in the specified workbook.
void RejectAllChanges (XlHighlightChangesTime *when=NULL, const wxString &who=wxEmptyString, const wxString &where=wxEmptyString)
 Rejects all changes in the specified shared workbook.
void ReloadAs (MsoEncoding encoding)
 Reloads a workbook based on an HTML document, using the specified document encoding.
void RemoveDocumentInformation (XlRemoveDocInfoType removeDocInfoType)
 Removes all information of the specified type from the workbook.
void RemoveUser (long index)
 Disconnects the specified user from the shared workbook.
void ReplyWithChanges (wxXlTribool showMessage=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Sends an e-mail message to the author of a workbook that has been sent out for review, notifying them that a reviewer has completed review of the workbook.
void ResetColors ()
 Resets the color palette to the default colors.
void RunAutoMacros (XlRunAutoMacro which)
 Runs the Auto_Open, Auto_Close, Auto_Activate, or Auto_Deactivate macro attached to the workbook.
bool Save ()
 Saves changes to the specified workbook.
bool SaveAs (const wxString &fileName=wxEmptyString, XlFileFormat *fileFormat=NULL, const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, const wxString &writeResPassword=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool readOnlyRecommended=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool createBackup=wxDefaultXlTribool, XlSaveAsAccessMode *accessMode=NULL, XlSaveConflictResolution *conflictResolution=NULL, wxXlTribool addToMru=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool local=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Saves changes to the workbook in a different file.
bool SaveCopyAs (const wxString &fileName)
 Saves a copy of the workbook to a file but doesn't modify the open workbook in memory.
void SendFaxOverInternet (const wxString &recipients=wxEmptyString, const wxString &subject=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool showMessage=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Sends a worksheet as a fax to the specfied recipients.
void SendForReview (const wxString &recipients=wxEmptyString, const wxString &subject=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool showMessage=wxDefaultXlTribool, wxXlTribool includeAttachment=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Sends a workbook in an e-mail message for review to the specified recipients.
void SendMail (const wxString &recipients=wxEmptyString, const wxString &subject=wxEmptyString, wxXlTribool returnReceipt=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Sends the workbook by using the installed mail system.
void SetPasswordEncryptionOptions (const wxString &passwordEncryptionProvider=wxEmptyString, const wxString &passwordEncryptionAlgorithm=wxEmptyString, long *passwordEncryptionKeyLength=NULL, wxXlTribool passwordEncryptionFileProperties=wxDefaultXlTribool)
 Sets the options for encrypting workbooks using passwords.
bool Unprotect (const wxString &password=wxEmptyString)
 Removes protection from a sheet or workbook.
void UnprotectSharing (const wxString &sharingPassword=wxEmptyString)
 Turns off protection for sharing and saves the workbook.
void UpdateFromFile ()
 Updates a read-only workbook from the saved disk version of the workbook if the disk version is more recent than the copy of the workbook that is loaded in memory.
void WebPagePreview ()
 Displays a preview of the specified workbook as it would look if saved as a Web page.
wxExcelChart GetActiveChart ()
 Returns a Chart object that represents the active chart (either an embedded chart or a chart sheet).
wxExcelSheet GetActiveSheet ()
 Returns the active sheet (the sheet on top) in the active workbook or in the specified window or workbook.
long GetAccuracyVersion ()
 Specifies whether certain worksheet functions use the latest accuracy algorithms to calculate their results.
void SetAccuracyVersion (long accuracyVersion)
 Specifies whether certain worksheet functions use the latest accuracy algorithms to calculate their results.
long GetAutoUpdateFrequency ()
 Returns the number of minutes between automatic updates to the shared workbook.
void SetAutoUpdateFrequency (long autoUpdateFrequency)
 Sets the number of minutes between automatic updates to the shared workbook.
bool GetAutoUpdateSaveChanges ()
 True if current changes to the shared workbook are posted to other users whenever the workbook is automatically updated.
void SetAutoUpdateSaveChanges (bool autoUpdateSaveChanges)
 True if current changes to the shared workbook are posted to other users whenever the workbook is automatically updated.
wxExcelDocumentProperties GetBuiltinDocumentProperties ()
 Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the built-in document properties.
long GetCalculationVersion ()
 Returns the information about the version of Excel that the workbook was last fully recalculated by.
long GetChangeHistoryDuration ()
 Returns the number of days shown in the shared workbook's change history.
void SetChangeHistoryDuration (long changeHistoryDuration)
 Sets the number of days shown in the shared workbook's change history.
wxExcelCharts GetCharts ()
 Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the chart sheets in the specified workbook.
bool GetCheckCompatibility ()
 Controls whether or not the compatibility checker is run automatically when the workbook is saved.
void SetCheckCompatibility (bool checkCompatibility)
 Controls whether or not the compatibility checker is run automatically when the workbook is saved.
wxColour GetColors (long index)
 Returns colors in the palette for the workbook.
void SetColors (long index, const wxColour &color)
 Sets colors in the palette for the workbook.
XlSaveConflictResolution GetConflictResolution ()
 MSDN documentation for Workbook.ConflictResolution.
void SetConflictResolution (XlSaveConflictResolution conflictResolution)
 Sets the way conflicts are to be resolved whenever a shared workbook is updated.
bool GetConnectionsDisabled ()
 Disables the external connections or links in the workbook.
bool GetCreateBackup ()
 True if a backup file is created when this file is saved.
wxExcelDocumentProperties GetCustomDocumentProperties ()
 Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties.
bool GetDate1904 ()
 True if the workbook uses the 1904 date system.
void SetDate1904 (bool date1904)
 True if the workbook uses the 1904 date system.
bool GetDisplayInkComments ()
 A Boolean value that determines whether ink comments are displayed in the workbook.
void SetDisplayInkComments (bool displayInkComments)
 A Boolean value that determines whether ink comments are displayed in the workbook.
bool GetDoNotPromptForConvert ()
 Returns if the user should be prompted to convert the workbook if the workbook contains features that are not supported by versions of Excel earlier than Excel 2007.
void SetDoNotPromptForConvert (bool doNotPromptForConvert)
 Sets if the user should be prompted to convert the workbook if the workbook contains features that are not supported by versions of Excel earlier than Excel 2007.
bool GetEnableAutoRecover ()
 Saves changed files, of all formats, on a timed interval.
void SetEnableAutoRecover (bool enableAutoRecover)
 Saves changed files, of all formats, on a timed interval.
wxString GetEncryptionProvider ()
 Returns a string specifying the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Excel uses when encrypting documents.
void SetEncryptionProvider (const wxString &encryptionProvider)
 Sets the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Excel uses when encrypting documents.
bool GetEnvelopeVisible ()
 True if the e-mail composition header and the envelope toolbar are both visible.
void SetEnvelopeVisible (bool envelopeVisible)
 True if the e-mail composition header and the envelope toolbar are both visible.
bool GetExcel8CompatibilityMode ()
 The Excel8CompatibilityMode property provides developers with a way to check if the workbook is in compatibility mode.
XlFileFormat GetFileFormat ()
 Returns the file format and/or type of the workbook.
bool GetFinal ()
 Returns a Boolean that indicates whether a workbook is final.
void SetFinal (bool final)
 Sets a Boolean that indicates whether a workbook is final.
bool GetForceFullCalculation ()
 Forces a full calculation of a workbook.
void SetForceFullCalculation (bool forceFullCalculation)
 Forces a full calculation of a workbook.
wxString GetFullName ()
 Returns the workbook name including its path on disk.
wxString GetFullNameURLEncoded ()
 Returns the workbook name including its path on disk.
bool GetHasPassword ()
 True if the workbook has a protection password.
bool GetHasVBProject ()
 True if the workbook has an attached Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project.
bool GetHighlightChangesOnScreen ()
 True if changes to the shared workbook are highlighted on-screen.
void SetHighlightChangesOnScreen (bool highlightChangesOnScreen)
 True if changes to the shared workbook are highlighted on-screen.
wxExcelIconSets GetIconSets (XlIconSet index)
 This property is used to filter data in a workbook based on a cell icon from the IconSet collection.
bool GetInactiveListBorderVisible ()
 True if the list borders are visible when a list is not active.
void SetInactiveListBorderVisible (bool inactiveListBorderVisible)
 True if the list borders are visible when a list is not active.
bool GetIsAddin ()
 True if the workbook is running as an add-in.
void SetIsAddin (bool isAddin)
 True if the workbook is running as an add-in.
bool GetIsInplace ()
 True if the specified workbook is being edited in place.
bool GetKeepChangeHistory ()
 True if change tracking is enabled for the shared workbook.
void SetKeepChangeHistory (bool keepChangeHistory)
 True if change tracking is enabled for the shared workbook.
bool GetListChangesOnNewSheet ()
 True if changes to the shared workbook are shown on a separate worksheet.
void SetListChangesOnNewSheet (bool listChangesOnNewSheet)
 True if changes to the shared workbook are shown on a separate worksheet.
bool GetMultiUserEditing ()
 True if the workbook is open as a shared list.
wxString GetName ()
 Returns the name of the object.
wxExcelNames GetNames ()
 Returns a Names collection that represents all the names in the specified workbook (including all worksheet-specific names).
wxString GetPassword ()
 Returns the password that must be supplied to open the specified workbook.
void SetPassword (const wxString &password)
 Sets the password that must be supplied to open the specified workbook.
wxString GetPasswordEncryptionAlgorithm ()
 Returns a string indicating the algorithm Microsoft Excel uses to encrypt passwords for the specified workbook.
bool GetPasswordEncryptionFileProperties ()
 True if Microsoft Excel encrypts file properties for the specified password-protected workbook.
long GetPasswordEncryptionKeyLength ()
 Returns the key length of the algorithm Microsoft Excel uses when encrypting passwords for the specified workbook.
wxString GetPasswordEncryptionProvider ()
 Returns the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft Excel uses when encrypting passwords for the specified workbook.
wxString GetPath ()
 Returns the complete path to the workbook/file that this workbook object respresents.
bool GetPersonalViewListSettings ()
 True if filter and sort settings for lists are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook.
void SetPersonalViewListSettings (bool personalViewListSettings)
 True if filter and sort settings for lists are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook.
bool GetPersonalViewPrintSettings ()
 True if print settings are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook.
void SetPersonalViewPrintSettings (bool personalViewPrintSettings)
 True if print settings are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook.
bool GetPrecisionAsDisplayed ()
 True if calculations in this workbook will be done using only the precision of the numbers as they're displayed.
void SetPrecisionAsDisplayed (bool precisionAsDisplayed)
 True if calculations in this workbook will be done using only the precision of the numbers as they're displayed.
bool GetProtectStructure ()
 True if the order of the sheets in the workbook is protected.
bool GetProtectWindows ()
 True if the windows of the workbook are protected.
bool GetReadOnly ()
 True if the object has been opened as read-only.
bool GetReadOnlyRecommended ()
 True if the workbook was saved as read-only recommended.
bool GetRemovePersonalInformation ()
 True if personal information can be removed from the specified workbook.
void SetRemovePersonalInformation (bool removePersonalInformation)
 True if personal information can be removed from the specified workbook.
long GetRevisionNumber ()
 Returns the number of times the workbook has been saved while open as a shared list.
bool GetSaved ()
 True if no changes have been made to the specified workbook since it was last saved.
void SetSaved (bool saved)
 True if no changes have been made to the specified workbook since it was last saved.
bool GetSaveLinkValues ()
 True if Microsoft Excel saves external link values with the workbook.
void SetSaveLinkValues (bool saveLinkValues)
 True if Microsoft Excel saves external link values with the workbook.
wxExcelSheets GetSheets ()
 Returns wxExcelSheets that represents all the sheets in the specified workbook.
bool GetShowConflictHistory ()
 True if the Conflict History worksheet is visible in the workbook that's open as a shared list.
void SetShowConflictHistory (bool showConflictHistory)
 True if the Conflict History worksheet is visible in the workbook that's open as a shared list.
wxExcelStyles GetStyles ()
 Returns a Styles collection that represents all the styles in the specified workbook.
wxExcelTableStyles GetTableStyles ()
 Returns a TableStyles collection that refers to the table styles used in the workbook.
bool GetTemplateRemoveExtData ()
 True if external data references are removed when the workbook is saved as a template.
void SetTemplateRemoveExtData (bool templateRemoveExtData)
 True if external data references are removed when the workbook is saved as a template.
XlUpdateLinks GetUpdateLinks ()
 Returns an XlUpdateLink constant indicating a workbook's setting for updating embedded OLE links.
void SetUpdateLinks (XlUpdateLinks updateLinks)
 Sets an XlUpdateLink constant indicating a workbook's setting for updating embedded OLE links.
bool GetUpdateRemoteReferences ()
 True if Microsoft Excel updates remote references in for the workbook.
void SetUpdateRemoteReferences (bool updateRemoteReferences)
 True if Microsoft Excel updates remote references in for the workbook.
bool GetVBASigned ()
 True if the Visual Basic for Applications project for the specified workbook has been digitally signed.
wxExcelWindows GetWindows ()
 Returns a Windows collection that represents all the windows in the specified workbook.
wxExcelWorksheets GetWorksheets ()
 Returns a Worksheets collection that represents all the worksheets in the specified workbook.
wxString GetWritePassword ()
 Returns a String for the write password of a workbook.
void SetWritePassword (const wxString &writePassword)
 Sets a String for the write password of a workbook.
bool GetWriteReserved ()
 True if the workbook is write-reserved.
wxString GetWriteReservedBy ()
 Returns the name of the user who currently has write permission for the workbook.
virtual wxString GetAutoExcelObjectName_ () const
 Returns "Workbook".
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
bool IsOk_ () const
 Returns true if the object has a valid dispatch.
wxString GetAutomationObjectName_ (bool stripUnderscores=false) const
 Returns object name as provided by IDispatch->GetTypeInfo()->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &name, NULL, NULL, NULL).
wxSharedPtr< wxAutomationObject > GetAutomationObject_ ()
 Returns the underlying wxAutomationObject.
 operator bool () const
 Returns true if the object has a valid dispatch and its last automation call (if any), i.e.
WXLCID GetAutomationLCID_ () const
 Returns the locale identifier used in automation calls.
bool SetAutomationLCID_ (WXLCID lcid)
 Sets the locale identifier to be used in automation calls.
bool GetPropertyAndMethodNames_ (wxArrayString &propertyNames, wxArrayString &methodNames, bool includeHidden=false)
 Returns lists of property and method names the automation interface exposes.
bool GetUnimplementedObject_ (const wxString &name, wxAutomationObject &object)
 Helper function for receiving an automation object not implemented in wxAutoExcel, see FAQ on how to use.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
enum  ErrorFlags {
  Err_DoNothing = 0 , Err_LogOnInvalidDispatch = 1 , Err_AssertOnInvalidDispatch = 1 << 1 , Err_ThrowOnInvalidDispatch = 1 << 2 ,
  Err_LogOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 3 , Err_AssertOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 4 , Err_ThrowOnInvalidArgument = 1 << 5 , Err_LogOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 6 ,
  Err_AssertOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 7 , Err_ThrowOnFailedInvoke = 1 << 8 , Err_LogOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 9 , Err_AssertOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 10 ,
  Err_ThrowOnInvalidReturnType = 1 << 11 , Err_LogOnOtherError = 1 << 12 , Err_AssertOnOtherError = 1 << 13 , Err_ThrowOnOtherError = 1 << 14
 Flags affecting the behaviour of wxExcelObject and its descendants when an error occurs during accessing an Excel object property or calling its method. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject
static unsigned GetErrorMode_ ()
 Sets the error mode to the combination of wxExcelObject::ErrorFlags.
static void SetErrorMode_ (unsigned mode)
 Sets the error mode as the combination of wxExcelObject::ErrorFlags.
static bool GetUnimplementedCollectionItem_ (wxAutomationObject &collection, const long index, wxAutomationObject &item, bool asProperty)
 Helper function for obtaining an item from MS Excel collection not implemented in wxAutoExcel, see FAQ on how to use.

Detailed Description

Represents Microsoft Excel Workbook.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptAllChanges()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::AcceptAllChanges ( XlHighlightChangesTime when = NULL,
const wxString &  who = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  where = wxEmptyString 

Accepts all changes in the specified shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.AcceptAllChanges.

◆ Activate()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::Activate ( )

Activates the first window associated with the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Activate.

◆ AddToFavorites()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::AddToFavorites ( )

Adds a shortcut to the workbook or hyperlink to the Favorites folder.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.AddToFavorites.

◆ ApplyTheme()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ApplyTheme ( const wxString &  fileName)

Applies the specified theme to the current workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ApplyTheme.

◆ BreakLink()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::BreakLink ( const wxString &  name,
XlLinkType  type 

Converts formulas linked to other Microsoft Excel sources or OLE sources to values.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.BreakLink.

◆ CanCheckIn()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::CanCheckIn ( )

True if Microsoft Excel can check in a specified workbook to a server.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.CanCheckIn.

◆ ChangeFileAccess()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ChangeFileAccess ( XlFileAccess  mode,
const wxString &  writePassword,
wxXlTribool  notify 

Changes the access permissions for the workbook.

This may require an updated version to be loaded from the disk.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ChangeFileAccess.

◆ ChangeLink()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ChangeLink ( const wxString &  name,
const wxString &  newName,
XlLinkType type 

Changes a link from one document to another.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ChangeLink.

◆ CheckIn()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::CheckIn ( wxXlTribool  saveChanges = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  comments = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  makePublic = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Returns a workbook from a local computer to a server, and sets the local workbook to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.

Calling this method will also close the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.CheckIn.

◆ CheckInWithVersion()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::CheckInWithVersion ( wxXlTribool  saveChanges = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  comments = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  makePublic = wxDefaultXlTribool,
XlCheckInVersionType versionType = NULL 

Saves a workbook to a server from a local computer, and sets the local workbook to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.

Since Excel 2010

MSDN documentation for Workbook.CheckInWithVersion.

◆ Close()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::Close ( wxXlTribool  saveChanges = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  fileName = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  routeWorkbook = wxDefaultXlTribool 

◆ DeleteNumberFormat()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::DeleteNumberFormat ( const wxString &  numberFormat)

Deletes a custom number format from the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.DeleteNumberFormat.

◆ EnableConnections()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::EnableConnections ( )

The EnableConnections method allows developers to programmatically enable data connections within the workbook for the user.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.EnableConnections.

◆ EndReview()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::EndReview ( )

Terminates a review of a file that has been sent for review using the SendForReview method.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.EndReview.

◆ ExclusiveAccess()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ExclusiveAccess ( )

Assigns the current user exclusive access to the workbook that's open as a shared list.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ExclusiveAccess.

◆ ExportAsFixedFormat()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ExportAsFixedFormat ( XlFixedFormatType  type,
const wxString &  fileName = wxEmptyString,
XlFixedFormatQuality quality = NULL,
wxXlTribool  includeDocProperties = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  ignorePrintAreas = wxDefaultXlTribool,
long *  from = NULL,
long *  to = NULL,
wxXlTribool  openAfterPublish = wxDefaultXlTribool 

The ExportAsFixedFormat method is used to publish a workbook to either the PDF or XPS format.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ExportAsFixedFormat.

◆ HighlightChangesOptions()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::HighlightChangesOptions ( XlHighlightChangesTime when = NULL,
const wxString &  who = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  where = wxEmptyString 

Controls how changes are shown in a shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.HighlightChangesOptions.

◆ LockServerFile()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::LockServerFile ( )

Locks the workbook on the server to prevent modification.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.LockServerFile.

◆ MergeWorkbook()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::MergeWorkbook ( const wxString &  fileName)

Merges changes from one workbook into an open workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.MergeWorkbook.

◆ NewWindow()

wxExcelWindow wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::NewWindow ( )

Creates a new window or a copy of the specified window.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.NewWindow.

◆ Post()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::Post ( )

Posts the specified workbook to a public folder.

This method works only with a Microsoft Exchange client connected to a Microsoft Exchange server.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Post.

◆ PrintOut()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::PrintOut ( long *  from = NULL,
long *  to = NULL,
long *  copies = NULL,
wxXlTribool  preview = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  activePrinter = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  printToFile = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  collate = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  prToFileName = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  ignorePrintAreas = wxDefaultXlTribool 

◆ PrintPreview()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::PrintPreview ( wxXlTribool  enableChanges = wxDefaultXlTribool)

Shows a preview of the object as it would look when printed.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PrintPreview.

◆ Protect()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::Protect ( const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  structure = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  windows = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Protects a workbook so that it cannot be modified.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Protect.

◆ ProtectSharing()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ProtectSharing ( const wxString &  fileName = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  writeResPassword = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  readOnlyRecommended = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  createBackup = wxDefaultXlTribool,
const wxString &  sharingPassword = wxEmptyString 

Saves the workbook and protects it for sharing.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ProtectSharing.

◆ PurgeChangeHistoryNow()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::PurgeChangeHistoryNow ( long  days,
const wxString &  sharingPassword = wxEmptyString 

Removes entries from the change log for the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PurgeChangeHistoryNow.

◆ RefreshAll()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::RefreshAll ( )

Refreshes all external data ranges and PivotTable reports in the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.RefreshAll.

◆ RejectAllChanges()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::RejectAllChanges ( XlHighlightChangesTime when = NULL,
const wxString &  who = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  where = wxEmptyString 

Rejects all changes in the specified shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.RejectAllChanges.

◆ ReloadAs()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ReloadAs ( MsoEncoding  encoding)

Reloads a workbook based on an HTML document, using the specified document encoding.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ReloadAs.

◆ RemoveDocumentInformation()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::RemoveDocumentInformation ( XlRemoveDocInfoType  removeDocInfoType)

Removes all information of the specified type from the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.RemoveDocumentInformation.

◆ RemoveUser()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::RemoveUser ( long  index)

Disconnects the specified user from the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.RemoveUser.

◆ ReplyWithChanges()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ReplyWithChanges ( wxXlTribool  showMessage = wxDefaultXlTribool)

Sends an e-mail message to the author of a workbook that has been sent out for review, notifying them that a reviewer has completed review of the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ReplyWithChanges.

◆ ResetColors()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::ResetColors ( )

Resets the color palette to the default colors.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ResetColors.

◆ RunAutoMacros()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::RunAutoMacros ( XlRunAutoMacro  which)

Runs the Auto_Open, Auto_Close, Auto_Activate, or Auto_Deactivate macro attached to the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.RunAutoMacros.

◆ Save()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::Save ( )

Saves changes to the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Save.

◆ SaveAs()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SaveAs ( const wxString &  fileName = wxEmptyString,
XlFileFormat fileFormat = NULL,
const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  writeResPassword = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  readOnlyRecommended = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  createBackup = wxDefaultXlTribool,
XlSaveAsAccessMode accessMode = NULL,
XlSaveConflictResolution conflictResolution = NULL,
wxXlTribool  addToMru = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  local = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Saves changes to the workbook in a different file.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.SaveAs.

◆ SaveCopyAs()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SaveCopyAs ( const wxString &  fileName)

Saves a copy of the workbook to a file but doesn't modify the open workbook in memory.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.SaveCopyAs.

◆ SendFaxOverInternet()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SendFaxOverInternet ( const wxString &  recipients = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  subject = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  showMessage = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Sends a worksheet as a fax to the specfied recipients.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.SendFaxOverInternet.

◆ SendForReview()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SendForReview ( const wxString &  recipients = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  subject = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  showMessage = wxDefaultXlTribool,
wxXlTribool  includeAttachment = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Sends a workbook in an e-mail message for review to the specified recipients.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.SendForReview.

◆ SendMail()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SendMail ( const wxString &  recipients = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  subject = wxEmptyString,
wxXlTribool  returnReceipt = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Sends the workbook by using the installed mail system.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.SendMail.

◆ SetPasswordEncryptionOptions()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetPasswordEncryptionOptions ( const wxString &  passwordEncryptionProvider = wxEmptyString,
const wxString &  passwordEncryptionAlgorithm = wxEmptyString,
long *  passwordEncryptionKeyLength = NULL,
wxXlTribool  passwordEncryptionFileProperties = wxDefaultXlTribool 

Sets the options for encrypting workbooks using passwords.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.SetPasswordEncryptionOptions.

◆ Unprotect()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::Unprotect ( const wxString &  password = wxEmptyString)

Removes protection from a sheet or workbook.

This method has no effect if the sheet or workbook isn't protected.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Unprotect.

◆ UnprotectSharing()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::UnprotectSharing ( const wxString &  sharingPassword = wxEmptyString)

Turns off protection for sharing and saves the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.UnprotectSharing.

◆ UpdateFromFile()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::UpdateFromFile ( )

Updates a read-only workbook from the saved disk version of the workbook if the disk version is more recent than the copy of the workbook that is loaded in memory.

If the disk copy hasn't changed since the workbook was loaded, the in-memory copy of the workbook isn't reloaded.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.UpdateFromFile.

◆ WebPagePreview()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::WebPagePreview ( )

Displays a preview of the specified workbook as it would look if saved as a Web page.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.WebPagePreview.

◆ GetActiveChart()

wxExcelChart wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetActiveChart ( )

Returns a Chart object that represents the active chart (either an embedded chart or a chart sheet).

An embedded chart is considered active when it's either selected or activated. When no chart is active, this property returns Nothing.

[MSDN documentation for Workbook.ActiveChart]().

◆ GetActiveSheet()

wxExcelSheet wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetActiveSheet ( )

Returns the active sheet (the sheet on top) in the active workbook or in the specified window or workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ActiveSheet.

◆ GetAccuracyVersion()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetAccuracyVersion ( )

Specifies whether certain worksheet functions use the latest accuracy algorithms to calculate their results.

Since Excel 2010.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.AccuracyVersion.

◆ SetAccuracyVersion()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetAccuracyVersion ( long  accuracyVersion)

Specifies whether certain worksheet functions use the latest accuracy algorithms to calculate their results.

Since Excel 2010.

MSDN documentation for Worksheet.AccuracyVersion.

◆ GetAutoUpdateFrequency()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetAutoUpdateFrequency ( )

Returns the number of minutes between automatic updates to the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.AutoUpdateFrequency.

◆ SetAutoUpdateFrequency()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetAutoUpdateFrequency ( long  autoUpdateFrequency)

Sets the number of minutes between automatic updates to the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.AutoUpdateFrequency.

◆ GetAutoUpdateSaveChanges()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetAutoUpdateSaveChanges ( )

True if current changes to the shared workbook are posted to other users whenever the workbook is automatically updated.

False if changes aren't posted (this workbook is still synchronized with changes made by other users). The default value is True.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.AutoUpdateSaveChanges.

◆ SetAutoUpdateSaveChanges()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetAutoUpdateSaveChanges ( bool  autoUpdateSaveChanges)

True if current changes to the shared workbook are posted to other users whenever the workbook is automatically updated.

False if changes aren't posted (this workbook is still synchronized with changes made by other users). The default value is True.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.AutoUpdateSaveChanges.

◆ GetBuiltinDocumentProperties()

wxExcelDocumentProperties wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetBuiltinDocumentProperties ( )

Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the built-in document properties.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties.

◆ GetCalculationVersion()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetCalculationVersion ( )

Returns the information about the version of Excel that the workbook was last fully recalculated by.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.CalculationVersion.

◆ GetChangeHistoryDuration()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetChangeHistoryDuration ( )

Returns the number of days shown in the shared workbook's change history.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ChangeHistoryDuration.

◆ SetChangeHistoryDuration()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetChangeHistoryDuration ( long  changeHistoryDuration)

Sets the number of days shown in the shared workbook's change history.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ChangeHistoryDuration.

◆ GetCharts()

wxExcelCharts wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetCharts ( )

Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the chart sheets in the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Charts.

◆ GetCheckCompatibility()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetCheckCompatibility ( )

Controls whether or not the compatibility checker is run automatically when the workbook is saved.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.CheckCompatibility.

◆ SetCheckCompatibility()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetCheckCompatibility ( bool  checkCompatibility)

Controls whether or not the compatibility checker is run automatically when the workbook is saved.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.CheckCompatibility.

◆ GetColors()

wxColour wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetColors ( long  index)

Returns colors in the palette for the workbook.

The palette has 56 entries, each represented by an RGB value.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Colors.

◆ SetColors()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetColors ( long  index,
const wxColour &  color 

Sets colors in the palette for the workbook.

The palette has 56 entries, each represented by an RGB value.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Colors.

◆ GetConflictResolution()

XlSaveConflictResolution wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetConflictResolution ( )

◆ SetConflictResolution()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetConflictResolution ( XlSaveConflictResolution  conflictResolution)

Sets the way conflicts are to be resolved whenever a shared workbook is updated.

Read/write XlSaveConflictResolution.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ConflictResolution.

◆ GetConnectionsDisabled()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetConnectionsDisabled ( )

Disables the external connections or links in the workbook.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ConnectionsDisabled.

◆ GetCreateBackup()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetCreateBackup ( )

True if a backup file is created when this file is saved.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.CreateBackup.

◆ GetCustomDocumentProperties()

wxExcelDocumentProperties wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetCustomDocumentProperties ( )

Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.CustomDocumentProperties.

◆ GetDate1904()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetDate1904 ( )

True if the workbook uses the 1904 date system.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Date1904.

◆ SetDate1904()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetDate1904 ( bool  date1904)

True if the workbook uses the 1904 date system.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Date1904.

◆ GetDisplayInkComments()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetDisplayInkComments ( )

A Boolean value that determines whether ink comments are displayed in the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.DisplayInkComments.

◆ SetDisplayInkComments()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetDisplayInkComments ( bool  displayInkComments)

A Boolean value that determines whether ink comments are displayed in the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.DisplayInkComments.

◆ GetDoNotPromptForConvert()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetDoNotPromptForConvert ( )

Returns if the user should be prompted to convert the workbook if the workbook contains features that are not supported by versions of Excel earlier than Excel 2007.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.DoNotPromptForConvert.

◆ SetDoNotPromptForConvert()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetDoNotPromptForConvert ( bool  doNotPromptForConvert)

Sets if the user should be prompted to convert the workbook if the workbook contains features that are not supported by versions of Excel earlier than Excel 2007.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.DoNotPromptForConvert.

◆ GetEnableAutoRecover()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetEnableAutoRecover ( )

Saves changed files, of all formats, on a timed interval.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.EnableAutoRecover.

◆ SetEnableAutoRecover()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetEnableAutoRecover ( bool  enableAutoRecover)

Saves changed files, of all formats, on a timed interval.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.EnableAutoRecover.

◆ GetEncryptionProvider()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetEncryptionProvider ( )

Returns a string specifying the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Excel uses when encrypting documents.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.EncryptionProvider.

◆ SetEncryptionProvider()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetEncryptionProvider ( const wxString &  encryptionProvider)

Sets the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Excel uses when encrypting documents.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.EncryptionProvider.

◆ GetEnvelopeVisible()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetEnvelopeVisible ( )

True if the e-mail composition header and the envelope toolbar are both visible.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.EnvelopeVisible.

◆ SetEnvelopeVisible()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetEnvelopeVisible ( bool  envelopeVisible)

True if the e-mail composition header and the envelope toolbar are both visible.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.EnvelopeVisible.

◆ GetExcel8CompatibilityMode()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetExcel8CompatibilityMode ( )

The Excel8CompatibilityMode property provides developers with a way to check if the workbook is in compatibility mode.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Excel8CompatibilityMode.

◆ GetFileFormat()

XlFileFormat wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetFileFormat ( )

Returns the file format and/or type of the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.FileFormat.

◆ GetFinal()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetFinal ( )

Returns a Boolean that indicates whether a workbook is final.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Final.

◆ SetFinal()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetFinal ( bool  final)

Sets a Boolean that indicates whether a workbook is final.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Final.

◆ GetForceFullCalculation()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetForceFullCalculation ( )

Forces a full calculation of a workbook.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ForceFullCalculation.

◆ SetForceFullCalculation()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetForceFullCalculation ( bool  forceFullCalculation)

Forces a full calculation of a workbook.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ForceFullCalculation.

◆ GetFullName()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetFullName ( )

Returns the workbook name including its path on disk.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.FullName.

◆ GetFullNameURLEncoded()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetFullNameURLEncoded ( )

Returns the workbook name including its path on disk.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.FullNameURLEncoded.

◆ GetHasPassword()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetHasPassword ( )

True if the workbook has a protection password.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.HasPassword.

◆ GetHasVBProject()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetHasVBProject ( )

True if the workbook has an attached Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project.

Since MS Excel 2007.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.HasVBProject.

◆ GetHighlightChangesOnScreen()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetHighlightChangesOnScreen ( )

True if changes to the shared workbook are highlighted on-screen.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.HighlightChangesOnScreen.

◆ SetHighlightChangesOnScreen()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetHighlightChangesOnScreen ( bool  highlightChangesOnScreen)

True if changes to the shared workbook are highlighted on-screen.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.HighlightChangesOnScreen.

◆ GetIconSets()

wxExcelIconSets wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetIconSets ( XlIconSet  index)

This property is used to filter data in a workbook based on a cell icon from the IconSet collection.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.IconSets.

◆ GetInactiveListBorderVisible()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetInactiveListBorderVisible ( )

True if the list borders are visible when a list is not active.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.InactiveListBorderVisible.

◆ SetInactiveListBorderVisible()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetInactiveListBorderVisible ( bool  inactiveListBorderVisible)

True if the list borders are visible when a list is not active.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.InactiveListBorderVisible.

◆ GetIsAddin()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetIsAddin ( )

True if the workbook is running as an add-in.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.IsAddin.

◆ SetIsAddin()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetIsAddin ( bool  isAddin)

True if the workbook is running as an add-in.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.IsAddin.

◆ GetIsInplace()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetIsInplace ( )

True if the specified workbook is being edited in place.

False if the workbook has been opened in Microsoft Excel for editing.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.IsInplace.

◆ GetKeepChangeHistory()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetKeepChangeHistory ( )

True if change tracking is enabled for the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.KeepChangeHistory.

◆ SetKeepChangeHistory()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetKeepChangeHistory ( bool  keepChangeHistory)

True if change tracking is enabled for the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.KeepChangeHistory.

◆ GetListChangesOnNewSheet()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetListChangesOnNewSheet ( )

True if changes to the shared workbook are shown on a separate worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ListChangesOnNewSheet.

◆ SetListChangesOnNewSheet()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetListChangesOnNewSheet ( bool  listChangesOnNewSheet)

True if changes to the shared workbook are shown on a separate worksheet.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ListChangesOnNewSheet.

◆ GetMultiUserEditing()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetMultiUserEditing ( )

True if the workbook is open as a shared list.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.MultiUserEditing.

◆ GetName()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetName ( )

Returns the name of the object.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Name.

◆ GetNames()

wxExcelNames wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetNames ( )

Returns a Names collection that represents all the names in the specified workbook (including all worksheet-specific names).

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Names.

◆ GetPassword()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPassword ( )

Returns the password that must be supplied to open the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Password.

◆ SetPassword()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetPassword ( const wxString &  password)

Sets the password that must be supplied to open the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Password.

◆ GetPasswordEncryptionAlgorithm()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPasswordEncryptionAlgorithm ( )

Returns a string indicating the algorithm Microsoft Excel uses to encrypt passwords for the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm.

◆ GetPasswordEncryptionFileProperties()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPasswordEncryptionFileProperties ( )

True if Microsoft Excel encrypts file properties for the specified password-protected workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PasswordEncryptionFileProperties.

◆ GetPasswordEncryptionKeyLength()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPasswordEncryptionKeyLength ( )

Returns the key length of the algorithm Microsoft Excel uses when encrypting passwords for the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PasswordEncryptionKeyLength.

◆ GetPasswordEncryptionProvider()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPasswordEncryptionProvider ( )

Returns the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft Excel uses when encrypting passwords for the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PasswordEncryptionProvider.

◆ GetPath()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPath ( )

Returns the complete path to the workbook/file that this workbook object respresents.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Path.

◆ GetPersonalViewListSettings()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPersonalViewListSettings ( )

True if filter and sort settings for lists are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PersonalViewListSettings.

◆ SetPersonalViewListSettings()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetPersonalViewListSettings ( bool  personalViewListSettings)

True if filter and sort settings for lists are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PersonalViewListSettings.

◆ GetPersonalViewPrintSettings()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPersonalViewPrintSettings ( )

True if print settings are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PersonalViewPrintSettings.

◆ SetPersonalViewPrintSettings()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetPersonalViewPrintSettings ( bool  personalViewPrintSettings)

True if print settings are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PersonalViewPrintSettings.

◆ GetPrecisionAsDisplayed()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetPrecisionAsDisplayed ( )

True if calculations in this workbook will be done using only the precision of the numbers as they're displayed.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed.

◆ SetPrecisionAsDisplayed()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetPrecisionAsDisplayed ( bool  precisionAsDisplayed)

True if calculations in this workbook will be done using only the precision of the numbers as they're displayed.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed.

◆ GetProtectStructure()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetProtectStructure ( )

True if the order of the sheets in the workbook is protected.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ProtectStructure.

◆ GetProtectWindows()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetProtectWindows ( )

True if the windows of the workbook are protected.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ProtectWindows.

◆ GetReadOnly()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetReadOnly ( )

True if the object has been opened as read-only.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ReadOnly.

◆ GetReadOnlyRecommended()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetReadOnlyRecommended ( )

True if the workbook was saved as read-only recommended.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ReadOnlyRecommended.

◆ GetRemovePersonalInformation()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetRemovePersonalInformation ( )

True if personal information can be removed from the specified workbook.

The default value is False.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.RemovePersonalInformation.

◆ SetRemovePersonalInformation()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetRemovePersonalInformation ( bool  removePersonalInformation)

True if personal information can be removed from the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.RemovePersonalInformation.

◆ GetRevisionNumber()

long wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetRevisionNumber ( )

Returns the number of times the workbook has been saved while open as a shared list.

If the workbook is open in exclusive mode, this property returns 0 (zero).

MSDN documentation for Workbook.RevisionNumber.

◆ GetSaved()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetSaved ( )

True if no changes have been made to the specified workbook since it was last saved.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Saved.

◆ SetSaved()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetSaved ( bool  saved)

True if no changes have been made to the specified workbook since it was last saved.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Saved.

◆ GetSaveLinkValues()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetSaveLinkValues ( )

True if Microsoft Excel saves external link values with the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.SaveLinkValues.

◆ SetSaveLinkValues()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetSaveLinkValues ( bool  saveLinkValues)

True if Microsoft Excel saves external link values with the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.SaveLinkValues.

◆ GetSheets()

wxExcelSheets wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetSheets ( )

Returns wxExcelSheets that represents all the sheets in the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Sheets.

◆ GetShowConflictHistory()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetShowConflictHistory ( )

True if the Conflict History worksheet is visible in the workbook that's open as a shared list.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ShowConflictHistory.

◆ SetShowConflictHistory()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetShowConflictHistory ( bool  showConflictHistory)

True if the Conflict History worksheet is visible in the workbook that's open as a shared list.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.ShowConflictHistory.

◆ GetStyles()

wxExcelStyles wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetStyles ( )

Returns a Styles collection that represents all the styles in the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Styles.

◆ GetTableStyles()

wxExcelTableStyles wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetTableStyles ( )

Returns a TableStyles collection that refers to the table styles used in the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.TableStyles

◆ GetTemplateRemoveExtData()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetTemplateRemoveExtData ( )

True if external data references are removed when the workbook is saved as a template.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.TemplateRemoveExtData.

◆ SetTemplateRemoveExtData()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetTemplateRemoveExtData ( bool  templateRemoveExtData)

True if external data references are removed when the workbook is saved as a template.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.TemplateRemoveExtData.

◆ GetUpdateLinks()

XlUpdateLinks wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetUpdateLinks ( )

Returns an XlUpdateLink constant indicating a workbook's setting for updating embedded OLE links.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.UpdateLinks.

◆ SetUpdateLinks()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetUpdateLinks ( XlUpdateLinks  updateLinks)

Sets an XlUpdateLink constant indicating a workbook's setting for updating embedded OLE links.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.UpdateLinks.

◆ GetUpdateRemoteReferences()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetUpdateRemoteReferences ( )

True if Microsoft Excel updates remote references in for the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.UpdateRemoteReferences.

◆ SetUpdateRemoteReferences()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetUpdateRemoteReferences ( bool  updateRemoteReferences)

True if Microsoft Excel updates remote references in for the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.UpdateRemoteReferences.

◆ GetVBASigned()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetVBASigned ( )

True if the Visual Basic for Applications project for the specified workbook has been digitally signed.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.VBASigned.

◆ GetWindows()

wxExcelWindows wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetWindows ( )

Returns a Windows collection that represents all the windows in the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Windows.

◆ GetWorksheets()

wxExcelWorksheets wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetWorksheets ( )

Returns a Worksheets collection that represents all the worksheets in the specified workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.Worksheets.

◆ GetWritePassword()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetWritePassword ( )

Returns a String for the write password of a workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.WritePassword.

◆ SetWritePassword()

void wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::SetWritePassword ( const wxString &  writePassword)

Sets a String for the write password of a workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.WritePassword.

◆ GetWriteReserved()

bool wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetWriteReserved ( )

True if the workbook is write-reserved.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.WriteReserved.

◆ GetWriteReservedBy()

wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetWriteReservedBy ( )

Returns the name of the user who currently has write permission for the workbook.

MSDN documentation for Workbook.WriteReservedBy.

◆ GetAutoExcelObjectName_()

virtual wxString wxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook::GetAutoExcelObjectName_ ( ) const

Returns "Workbook".

Reimplemented from wxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject.