wxAutoExcel 2.0.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NwxAutoExcelAll wxAutoExcel classes and enumerations are declared in wxAutoExcel namespace
 CwxAutoExcelObjectErrorModeOverriderSets the new error reporting mode for wxAutoExcel, restores the previous error mode when going out of scope
 CwxExcelAboveAverageRepresents a Microsoft Excel AboveAverage object
 CwxExcelAddInRepresents a single add-in, either installed or not installed
 CwxExcelAddInsA collection of AddIn objects that represents all the add-ins available to Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether they’re installed
 CwxExcelAddIns2A collection of AddIn objects that represent all the add-ins that are currently available or open in Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether they are installed
 CwxExcelAddInsBaseThis class cannot be instantiated, it has to be used either as wxExcelAddIns or wxExcelAddIns2
 CwxExcelAdjustmentsRepresents Microsoft Excel Adjustments object
 CwxExcelAllowEditRangeRepresents a collection of all the AllowEditRange objects that represent the cells that can be edited on a protected worksheet
 CwxExcelAllowEditRangesRepresents a collection of all the AllowEditRange objects that represent the cells that can be edited on a protected worksheet
 CwxExcelApplicationRepresents Microsoft Excel Application
 CwxExcelAreasRepresents Microsoft Excel Areas collection
 CwxExcelAuthorRepresents the author of the CommentThreaded object
 CwxExcelAutoFilterRepresents Microsoft Excel AutoFilter object
 CwxExcelAxesRepresents Microsoft Excel Axes collection
 CwxExcelAxisRepresents Microsoft Excel Axis object
 CwxExcelAxisTitleRepresents Microsoft Excel AxisTitle object
 CwxExcelBorderRepresents Microsoft Excel Border object
 CwxExcelBordersRepresents Microsoft Excel Borders collection
 CwxExcelBulletFormat2Represents Microsoft Excel BulletFormat2 object
 CwxExcelCalloutFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel CalloutFormat object
 CwxExcelCategoryCollectionRepresents the collection of visible chart categories in the chart
 CwxExcelCharactersRepresents Microsoft Excel Characters
 CwxExcelChartRepresents Microsoft Excel Chart object
 CwxExcelChartAreaRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartArea object
 CwxExcelChartCategorySpecifies a chart type category
 CwxExcelChartColorFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartColorFormat object
 CwxExcelChartFillFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartFillFormat object
 CwxExcelChartFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartFormat object
 CwxExcelChartGroupRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartGroup object
 CwxExcelChartGroupsRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartGroups collection
 CwxExcelChartObjectRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartObject object
 CwxExcelChartObjectsRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartObjects collection
 CwxExcelChartsRepresents Microsoft Excel Charts collection
 CwxExcelChartTitleRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartTitle object
 CwxExcelChartViewRepresents Microsoft Excel ChartView object
 CwxExcelColorFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ColorFormat object
 CwxExcelColorScaleRepresents a Microsoft Excel ColorScale object
 CwxExcelColorScaleCriteriaRepresents a Microsoft Excel ColorScaleCriteria collection
 CwxExcelColorScaleCriterionRepresents a Microsoft Excel ColorScaleCriterion object
 CwxExcelColorStopRepresents Microsoft Excel ColorStop object
 CwxExcelColorStopsRepresents Microsoft Excel ColorStops collection
 CwxExcelCommentRepresents Microsoft Excel Comment object
 CwxExcelCommentsRepresents Microsoft Excel Comments collection
 CwxExcelCommentsThreadedRepresents a collection of CustomProperty objects that represent additional information
 CwxExcelCommentThreadedRepresents a cell's threaded comment
 CwxExcelConditionValueRepresents a Microsoft Excel ConditionValue object
 CwxExcelConnectorFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ConnectorFormat object
 CwxExcelControlFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ControlFormat object
 CwxExcelCustomPropertiesRepresents a collection of CustomProperty objects that represent additional information
 CwxExcelCustomPropertyRepresents identifier information
 CwxExcelDatabarRepresents a Microsoft Excel Databar object
 CwxExcelDataBarBorderRepresents the border of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule
 CwxExcelDataLabelRepresents Microsoft Excel DataLabel object
 CwxExcelDataLabelsRepresents Microsoft Excel DataLabels collection
 CwxExcelDataTableRepresents Microsoft Excel DataTable object
 CwxExcelDisplayFormatRepresents the display settings for an associated Range object
 CwxExcelDisplayUnitLabelRepresents Microsoft Excel DisplayUnitLabel object
 CwxExcelDocumentPropertiesRepresents a Microsoft Excel (Office) DocumentProperties collection
 CwxExcelDocumentPropertyRepresents a Microsoft Excel DocumentProperty object
 CwxExcelDownBarsRepresents Microsoft Excel DownBars object
 CwxExcelDropLinesRepresents Microsoft Excel DropLines object
 CwxExcelErrorRepresents Microsoft Excel Error object
 CwxExcelErrorBarsRepresents Microsoft Excel ErrorBars object
 CwxExcelErrorCheckingOptionsRepresents Microsoft Excel ErrorCheckingOptions object
 CwxExcelErrorsRepresents Microsoft Excel Errors collection
 CwxExcelExceptionThe exception that is thrown if there's an error and wxExcelObject::GetErrorMode()_ has at least one of the Err_ThrowOn* flags set
 CwxExcelFileExportConverterRepresents a file converter that is used to save files
 CwxExcelFileExportConvertersRepresents a collection of FileExportConverter objects that represent all the file converters available for saving files
 CwxExcelFillFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel FillFormat object
 CwxExcelFilterRepresents Microsoft Excel Filter object
 CwxExcelFiltersRepresents Microsoft Excel Filters collection
 CwxExcelFloorRepresents Microsoft Excel Floor object
 CwxExcelFontRepresents Microsoft Excel Font
 CwxExcelFont2Represents Microsoft Excel Font2 object
 CwxExcelFormatColorRepresents a Microsoft Excel FormatColor object
 CwxExcelFormatConditionRepresents Microsoft Excel FormatCondition object
 CwxExcelFormatConditionsRepresents Microsoft Excel FormatConditions collection
 CwxExcelFreeformBuilderRepresents Microsoft Excel FreeformBuilder object
 CwxExcelFullSeriesCollectionRepresents the full set of Series objects in the chart
 CwxExcelGlowFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel GlowFormat object
 CwxExcelGraphicRepresents Microsoft Excel Graphic object
 CwxExcelGridlinesRepresents Microsoft Excel Gridlines object
 CwxExcelGroupShapesRepresents Microsoft Excel GroupShapes collection
 CwxExcelHeaderFooterRepresents Microsoft Excel HeaderFooter
 CwxExcelHiLoLinesRepresents Microsoft Excel HiLoLines object
 CwxExcelHyperlinkRepresents Microsoft Excel Hyperlink object
 CwxExcelHyperlinksRepresents Microsoft Excel Hyperlinks collection
 CwxExcelIconRepresents Microsoft Excel Icon object
 CwxExcelIconCriteriaRepresents a Microsoft Excel IconCriteria collection
 CwxExcelIconCriterionRepresents a Microsoft Excel IconCriterion object
 CwxExcelIconSetRepresents a Microsoft Excel IconSet object
 CwxExcelIconSetConditionRepresents a Microsoft Excel IconSetCondition object
 CwxExcelIconSetsRepresents a Microsoft Excel IconSets collection
 CwxExcelInteriorRepresents Microsoft Excel Interior
 CwxExcelLanguageSettingsRepresents Microsoft Excel LanguageSettings object
 CwxExcelLeaderLinesRepresents Microsoft Excel LeaderLines object
 CwxExcelLegendRepresents Microsoft Excel Legend object
 CwxExcelLegendEntriesRepresents Microsoft Excel LegendEntries collection
 CwxExcelLegendEntryRepresents Microsoft Excel LegendEntry object
 CwxExcelLegendKeyRepresents Microsoft Excel LegendKey object
 CwxExcelLinearGradientRepresents Microsoft Excel LinearGradient object
 CwxExcelLineFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel LineFormat object
 CwxExcelLinkFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel LinkFormat object
 CwxExcelListColumnRepresents a column in a table, a member of ListColumns collection
 CwxExcelListColumnsRepresents a collection of ListColumn objects
 CwxExcelListDataFormatRepresents an object holding all data type properties for ListColumn
 CwxExcelListObjectRepresents a list object in ListObjects collection
 CwxExcelListObjectsRepresents a collection of ListObject objects on a worksheet, where each ListObject object represents a table on the worksheet
 CwxExcelListRowRepresents a row in table, a member of ListRows collection
 CwxExcelListRowsRepresents a collection of ListRow objects
 CwxExcelModel3DFormatRepresents the properties of a 3D model shape
 CwxExcelMultiThreadedCalculationRepresents an object that returns or sets the concurrent calculation mode
 CwxExcelNameRepresents Microsoft Excel Name object
 CwxExcelNamesRepresents Microsoft Excel Names collection
 CwxExcelNegativeBarFormatRepresents a Microsoft Excel NegativeBarFormat object
 CwxExcelObjectThe base object for all wxAutoExcel objects
 CwxExcelOLEFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel OLEFormat object
 CwxExcelOLEObjectRepresents Microsoft Excel OLEObject object
 CwxExcelOLEObjectsRepresents Microsoft Excel OLEObjects collection
 CwxExcelOutlineRepresents an outline on a worksheet
 CwxExcelPageRepresents Microsoft Excel Page object
 CwxExcelPageBreakRepresents Microsoft Excel HPageBreak or VPageBreak object
 CwxExcelPageBreaksRepresents Microsoft Excel HPageBreaks or VPageBreaks collection
 CwxExcelPagesRepresents Microsoft Excel Pages collection
 CwxExcelPageSetupRepresents Microsoft Excel PageSetup object
 CwxExcelPaneRepresents Microsoft Excel Pane object
 CwxExcelPanesRepresents Microsoft Excel Panes collection
 CwxExcelParagraphFormat2Represents Microsoft Excel ParagraphFormat2 object
 CwxExcelPictureFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel PictureFormat object
 CwxExcelPlotAreaRepresents Microsoft Excel PlotArea object
 CwxExcelPointRepresents Microsoft Excel Point object
 CwxExcelPointsRepresents Microsoft Excel Points collection
 CwxExcelProtectionRepresents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet
 CwxExcelRangeRepresents Microsoft Excel Range, i.e
 CwxExcelRangeOwnerHelper object that contains methods common to objects that can return Ranges
 CwxExcelRecentFileRepresents a Microsoft Excel RecentFile object
 CwxExcelRecentFilesRepresents a Microsoft Excel (Office) RecentFiles collection
 CwxExcelRectangularGradientRepresents Microsoft Excel RectangularGradient object
 CwxExcelReflectionFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ReflectionFormat object
 CwxExcelSeriesRepresents Microsoft Excel Series object
 CwxExcelSeriesCollectionRepresents Microsoft Excel SeriesCollection collection
 CwxExcelSeriesLinesRepresents Microsoft Excel SeriesLines object
 CwxExcelShadowFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ShadowFormat object
 CwxExcelShapeRepresents Microsoft Excel Shape object
 CwxExcelShapeNodeRepresents Microsoft Excel ShapeNode object
 CwxExcelShapeNodesRepresents Microsoft Excel ShapeNodes collection
 CwxExcelShapeRangeRepresents Microsoft Excel ShapeRange object
 CwxExcelShapesRepresents Microsoft Excel Shape object
 CwxExcelSheetRepresents a member of Microsoft Excel Sheets collection
 CwxExcelSheetsRepresents Microsoft Excel Sheets collection
 CwxExcelSheetViewRepresents Microsoft Excel SheetView object
 CwxExcelSheetViewsRepresents Microsoft Excel SheetViews collection
 CwxExcelSoftEdgeFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel SoftEdgeFormat object
 CwxExcelSortRepresents Microsoft Excel Sort object
 CwxExcelSortFieldRepresents Microsoft Excel SortFields object
 CwxExcelSortFieldsRepresents Microsoft Excel SortFields collection
 CwxExcelSparkAxesRepresents Microsoft Excel SparkAxes object
 CwxExcelSparkColorRepresents Microsoft Excel SparkColor object
 CwxExcelSparkHorizontalAxisRepresents Microsoft Excel SparkHorizontalAxis object
 CwxExcelSparklineRepresents Microsoft Excel Sparkline object
 CwxExcelSparklineGroupRepresents Microsoft Excel SparklineGroup object
 CwxExcelSparklineGroupsRepresents Microsoft Excel SparklineGroups collection
 CwxExcelSparkPointsRepresents Microsoft Excel SparkPoints object
 CwxExcelSparkVerticalAxisRepresents Microsoft Excel SparkVerticalAxis object
 CwxExcelStyleRepresents Microsoft Excel Style object
 CwxExcelStylesRepresents Microsoft Excel Styles collection
 CwxExcelTabRepresents Microsoft Excel Sheet Tab
 CwxExcelTableObjectRepresents a worksheet table built from data returned from a PowerPivot model
 CwxExcelTableStyleRepresents a single style that can be applied to a table or slicer
 CwxExcelTableStyleElementRepresents a table style element
 CwxExcelTableStyleElementsRepresents a collection of TableStyleElement objects
 CwxExcelTableStylesRepresents styles that can be applied to a table
 CwxExcelTabStop2Represents Microsoft Excel TabStop2 object
 CwxExcelTabStops2Represents Microsoft Excel TabStops2 collection
 CwxExcelTextColumn2Represents Microsoft Excel TextColumn2 object
 CwxExcelTextEffectFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel TextEffectFormat object
 CwxExcelTextFrameRepresents Microsoft Excel TextFrame
 CwxExcelTextFrame2Represents Microsoft Excel TextFrame2
 CwxExcelTextRange2Represents Microsoft Excel TextRange2 object
 CwxExcelThreeDFormatRepresents Microsoft Excel ThreeDFormat object
 CwxExcelTickLabelsRepresents Microsoft Excel TickLabels object
 CwxExcelTop10Represents a Microsoft Excel Top10 object
 CwxExcelTrendlineRepresents Microsoft Excel Trendline object
 CwxExcelTrendlinesRepresents Microsoft Excel Trendlines collection
 CwxExcelUniqueValuesRepresents a Microsoft Excel UniqueValues object
 CwxExcelUpBarsRepresents Microsoft Excel UpBars object
 CwxExcelUserAccessRepresents Represents the user access for a protected range
 CwxExcelUserAccessListRepresents a collection of all the UserAccess objects that represent the cells that can be edited on a protected worksheet
 CwxExcelValidationRepresents Microsoft Excel Validation object
 CwxExcelWallsRepresents Microsoft Excel Walls object
 CwxExcelWindowRepresents Microsoft Excel Window object
 CwxExcelWindowsRepresents Microsoft Excel Window Pane collection
 CwxExcelWorkbookRepresents Microsoft Excel Workbook
 CwxExcelWorkbooksRepresents Microsoft Excel Workbooks collection
 CwxExcelWorksheetRepresents Microsoft Excel Worksheet
 CwxExcelWorksheetsRepresents Microsoft Excel Worksheets collection
 CwxExcelWorksheetViewRepresents Microsoft Excel WorksheetView
 CwxXlTriboolTri-state boolean