wxAutoExcel 2.0.0
CwxAutoExcel::wxAutoExcelObjectErrorModeOverrider | Sets the new error reporting mode for wxAutoExcel, restores the previous error mode when going out of scope |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelException | The exception that is thrown if there's an error and wxExcelObject::GetErrorMode()_ has at least one of the Err_ThrowOn* flags set |
▼CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelObject | The base object for all wxAutoExcel objects |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAboveAverage | Represents a Microsoft Excel AboveAverage object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAddIn | Represents a single add-in, either installed or not installed |
▼CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAddInsBase | This class cannot be instantiated, it has to be used either as wxExcelAddIns or wxExcelAddIns2 |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAddIns | A collection of AddIn objects that represents all the add-ins available to Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether they’re installed |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAddIns2 | A collection of AddIn objects that represent all the add-ins that are currently available or open in Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether they are installed |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAdjustments | Represents Microsoft Excel Adjustments object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAllowEditRange | Represents a collection of all the AllowEditRange objects that represent the cells that can be edited on a protected worksheet |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAllowEditRanges | Represents a collection of all the AllowEditRange objects that represent the cells that can be edited on a protected worksheet |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAreas | Represents Microsoft Excel Areas collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAuthor | Represents the author of the CommentThreaded object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAutoFilter | Represents Microsoft Excel AutoFilter object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAxes | Represents Microsoft Excel Axes collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAxis | Represents Microsoft Excel Axis object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelAxisTitle | Represents Microsoft Excel AxisTitle object |
▼CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelBorder | Represents Microsoft Excel Border object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelBorders | Represents Microsoft Excel Borders collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelBulletFormat2 | Represents Microsoft Excel BulletFormat2 object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelCalloutFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel CalloutFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelCategoryCollection | Represents the collection of visible chart categories in the chart |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelCharacters | Represents Microsoft Excel Characters |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChart | Represents Microsoft Excel Chart object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartArea | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartArea object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartCategory | Specifies a chart type category |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartColorFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartColorFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartFillFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartFillFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartGroup | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartGroup object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartGroups | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartGroups collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartObject | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartObject object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartObjects | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartObjects collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartTitle | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartTitle object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelChartView | Represents Microsoft Excel ChartView object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelCharts | Represents Microsoft Excel Charts collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelColorFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ColorFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelColorScale | Represents a Microsoft Excel ColorScale object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelColorScaleCriteria | Represents a Microsoft Excel ColorScaleCriteria collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelColorScaleCriterion | Represents a Microsoft Excel ColorScaleCriterion object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelColorStop | Represents Microsoft Excel ColorStop object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelColorStops | Represents Microsoft Excel ColorStops collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelComment | Represents Microsoft Excel Comment object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelCommentThreaded | Represents a cell's threaded comment |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelComments | Represents Microsoft Excel Comments collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelCommentsThreaded | Represents a collection of CustomProperty objects that represent additional information |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelConditionValue | Represents a Microsoft Excel ConditionValue object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelConnectorFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ConnectorFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelControlFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ControlFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelCustomProperties | Represents a collection of CustomProperty objects that represent additional information |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelCustomProperty | Represents identifier information |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDataBarBorder | Represents the border of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDataLabel | Represents Microsoft Excel DataLabel object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDataLabels | Represents Microsoft Excel DataLabels collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDataTable | Represents Microsoft Excel DataTable object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDatabar | Represents a Microsoft Excel Databar object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDisplayFormat | Represents the display settings for an associated Range object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDisplayUnitLabel | Represents Microsoft Excel DisplayUnitLabel object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDocumentProperties | Represents a Microsoft Excel (Office) DocumentProperties collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDocumentProperty | Represents a Microsoft Excel DocumentProperty object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDownBars | Represents Microsoft Excel DownBars object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelDropLines | Represents Microsoft Excel DropLines object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelError | Represents Microsoft Excel Error object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelErrorBars | Represents Microsoft Excel ErrorBars object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelErrorCheckingOptions | Represents Microsoft Excel ErrorCheckingOptions object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelErrors | Represents Microsoft Excel Errors collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFileExportConverter | Represents a file converter that is used to save files |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFileExportConverters | Represents a collection of FileExportConverter objects that represent all the file converters available for saving files |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFillFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel FillFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFilter | Represents Microsoft Excel Filter object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFilters | Represents Microsoft Excel Filters collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFloor | Represents Microsoft Excel Floor object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFont | Represents Microsoft Excel Font |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFont2 | Represents Microsoft Excel Font2 object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFormatColor | Represents a Microsoft Excel FormatColor object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFormatCondition | Represents Microsoft Excel FormatCondition object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFormatConditions | Represents Microsoft Excel FormatConditions collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFreeformBuilder | Represents Microsoft Excel FreeformBuilder object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelFullSeriesCollection | Represents the full set of Series objects in the chart |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelGlowFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel GlowFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelGraphic | Represents Microsoft Excel Graphic object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelGridlines | Represents Microsoft Excel Gridlines object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelGroupShapes | Represents Microsoft Excel GroupShapes collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelHeaderFooter | Represents Microsoft Excel HeaderFooter |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelHiLoLines | Represents Microsoft Excel HiLoLines object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelHyperlink | Represents Microsoft Excel Hyperlink object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelHyperlinks | Represents Microsoft Excel Hyperlinks collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelIcon | Represents Microsoft Excel Icon object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelIconCriteria | Represents a Microsoft Excel IconCriteria collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelIconCriterion | Represents a Microsoft Excel IconCriterion object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelIconSet | Represents a Microsoft Excel IconSet object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelIconSetCondition | Represents a Microsoft Excel IconSetCondition object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelIconSets | Represents a Microsoft Excel IconSets collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelInterior | Represents Microsoft Excel Interior |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLanguageSettings | Represents Microsoft Excel LanguageSettings object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLeaderLines | Represents Microsoft Excel LeaderLines object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLegend | Represents Microsoft Excel Legend object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLegendEntries | Represents Microsoft Excel LegendEntries collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLegendEntry | Represents Microsoft Excel LegendEntry object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLegendKey | Represents Microsoft Excel LegendKey object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLineFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel LineFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLinearGradient | Represents Microsoft Excel LinearGradient object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelLinkFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel LinkFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelListColumn | Represents a column in a table, a member of ListColumns collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelListColumns | Represents a collection of ListColumn objects |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelListDataFormat | Represents an object holding all data type properties for ListColumn |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelListObject | Represents a list object in ListObjects collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelListObjects | Represents a collection of ListObject objects on a worksheet, where each ListObject object represents a table on the worksheet |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelListRow | Represents a row in table, a member of ListRows collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelListRows | Represents a collection of ListRow objects |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelModel3DFormat | Represents the properties of a 3D model shape |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelMultiThreadedCalculation | Represents an object that returns or sets the concurrent calculation mode |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelName | Represents Microsoft Excel Name object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelNames | Represents Microsoft Excel Names collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelNegativeBarFormat | Represents a Microsoft Excel NegativeBarFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelOLEFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel OLEFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelOLEObject | Represents Microsoft Excel OLEObject object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelOLEObjects | Represents Microsoft Excel OLEObjects collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelOutline | Represents an outline on a worksheet |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPage | Represents Microsoft Excel Page object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPageBreak | Represents Microsoft Excel HPageBreak or VPageBreak object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPageBreaks | Represents Microsoft Excel HPageBreaks or VPageBreaks collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPageSetup | Represents Microsoft Excel PageSetup object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPages | Represents Microsoft Excel Pages collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPane | Represents Microsoft Excel Pane object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPanes | Represents Microsoft Excel Panes collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelParagraphFormat2 | Represents Microsoft Excel ParagraphFormat2 object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPictureFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel PictureFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPlotArea | Represents Microsoft Excel PlotArea object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPoint | Represents Microsoft Excel Point object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelPoints | Represents Microsoft Excel Points collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelProtection | Represents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet |
▼CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelRangeOwner | Helper object that contains methods common to objects that can return Ranges |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelApplication | Represents Microsoft Excel Application |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelRange | Represents Microsoft Excel Range, i.e |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheet | Represents Microsoft Excel Worksheet |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelRecentFile | Represents a Microsoft Excel RecentFile object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelRecentFiles | Represents a Microsoft Excel (Office) RecentFiles collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelRectangularGradient | Represents Microsoft Excel RectangularGradient object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelReflectionFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ReflectionFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSeries | Represents Microsoft Excel Series object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSeriesCollection | Represents Microsoft Excel SeriesCollection collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSeriesLines | Represents Microsoft Excel SeriesLines object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelShadowFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ShadowFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelShape | Represents Microsoft Excel Shape object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelShapeNode | Represents Microsoft Excel ShapeNode object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelShapeNodes | Represents Microsoft Excel ShapeNodes collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelShapeRange | Represents Microsoft Excel ShapeRange object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelShapes | Represents Microsoft Excel Shape object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSheet | Represents a member of Microsoft Excel Sheets collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSheetView | Represents Microsoft Excel SheetView object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSheetViews | Represents Microsoft Excel SheetViews collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSheets | Represents Microsoft Excel Sheets collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSoftEdgeFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel SoftEdgeFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSort | Represents Microsoft Excel Sort object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSortField | Represents Microsoft Excel SortFields object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSortFields | Represents Microsoft Excel SortFields collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSparkAxes | Represents Microsoft Excel SparkAxes object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSparkColor | Represents Microsoft Excel SparkColor object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSparkHorizontalAxis | Represents Microsoft Excel SparkHorizontalAxis object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSparkPoints | Represents Microsoft Excel SparkPoints object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSparkVerticalAxis | Represents Microsoft Excel SparkVerticalAxis object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSparkline | Represents Microsoft Excel Sparkline object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSparklineGroup | Represents Microsoft Excel SparklineGroup object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelSparklineGroups | Represents Microsoft Excel SparklineGroups collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelStyle | Represents Microsoft Excel Style object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelStyles | Represents Microsoft Excel Styles collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTab | Represents Microsoft Excel Sheet Tab |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTabStop2 | Represents Microsoft Excel TabStop2 object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTabStops2 | Represents Microsoft Excel TabStops2 collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTableObject | Represents a worksheet table built from data returned from a PowerPivot model |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTableStyle | Represents a single style that can be applied to a table or slicer |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTableStyleElement | Represents a table style element |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTableStyleElements | Represents a collection of TableStyleElement objects |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTableStyles | Represents styles that can be applied to a table |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTextColumn2 | Represents Microsoft Excel TextColumn2 object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTextEffectFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel TextEffectFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTextFrame | Represents Microsoft Excel TextFrame |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTextFrame2 | Represents Microsoft Excel TextFrame2 |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTextRange2 | Represents Microsoft Excel TextRange2 object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelThreeDFormat | Represents Microsoft Excel ThreeDFormat object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTickLabels | Represents Microsoft Excel TickLabels object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTop10 | Represents a Microsoft Excel Top10 object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTrendline | Represents Microsoft Excel Trendline object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelTrendlines | Represents Microsoft Excel Trendlines collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelUniqueValues | Represents a Microsoft Excel UniqueValues object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelUpBars | Represents Microsoft Excel UpBars object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelUserAccess | Represents Represents the user access for a protected range |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelUserAccessList | Represents a collection of all the UserAccess objects that represent the cells that can be edited on a protected worksheet |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelValidation | Represents Microsoft Excel Validation object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelWalls | Represents Microsoft Excel Walls object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelWindow | Represents Microsoft Excel Window object |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelWindows | Represents Microsoft Excel Window Pane collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbook | Represents Microsoft Excel Workbook |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorkbooks | Represents Microsoft Excel Workbooks collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheetView | Represents Microsoft Excel WorksheetView |
CwxAutoExcel::wxExcelWorksheets | Represents Microsoft Excel Worksheets collection |
CwxAutoExcel::wxXlTribool | Tri-state boolean |